diff --git a/spec/musicbrainz_link_inline_macro_spec.rb b/spec/musicbrainz_link_inline_macro_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5938a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/musicbrainz_link_inline_macro_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+describe MusicBrainzLinkInlineMacro do
+ it 'should create a MusicBrainz release object with the right captions' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:9adcff14-7dba-4ccf-a6a6-298bcde3dd46[]'
+ expected = <<~RESULT
+ The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
+ actual = (Asciidoctor.convert input).tr_s '\n', '\n'
+ (expect actual).to include expected.chomp
+ end
+ it 'should create a MusicBrainz release object with the replaced captions' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:9adcff14-7dba-4ccf-a6a6-298bcde3dd46[TBOI Rebirth soundtrack]'
+ expected = <<~RESULT
+ TBOI Rebirth soundtrack
+ actual = (Asciidoctor.convert input).tr_s '\n', '\n'
+ (expect actual).to include expected.chomp
+ end
+ it 'should create a MusicBrainz release group object with the right captions' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:b7c7f603-4c42-45a4-b364-3ddba82da412[type=release-group]'
+ expected = <<~RESULT
+ The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
+ actual = (Asciidoctor.convert input).tr_s '\n', '\n'
+ (expect actual).to include expected.chomp
+ end
+ it 'should create a MusicBrainz release group object with replaced captions' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:b7c7f603-4c42-45a4-b364-3ddba82da412[TBOI Rebirth soundtrack, type=release-group]'
+ expected = <<~RESULT
+ TBOI Rebirth soundtrack
+ actual = (Asciidoctor.convert input).tr_s '\n', '\n'
+ (expect actual).to include expected.chomp
+ end
+ it 'should create a MusicBrainz artist object with right captions' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:f07c6afe-ee84-4cd5-9b11-5c541d1dff3b[type=artist]'
+ expected = <<~RESULT
+ Ridiculon
+ actual = (Asciidoctor.convert input).tr_s '\n', '\n'
+ (expect actual).to include expected.chomp
+ end
+ it 'should create a MusicBrainz artist object with replaced captions' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:f07c6afe-ee84-4cd5-9b11-5c541d1dff3b[the composer of the TBOI Rebirth soundtrack, type=artist]'
+ expected = <<~RESULT
+ the composer of the TBOI Rebirth soundtrack
+ actual = (Asciidoctor.convert input).tr_s '\n', '\n'
+ (expect actual).to include expected.chomp
+ end
+ it 'should fail to create a MusicBrainz link from non-existent object' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000[type=artist]'
+ expect { Asciidoctor.convert input }.to raise_error StandardError
+ end
+ it 'should fail to create a MusicBrainz link from non-existent object with replaced caption' do
+ input = 'musicbrainz:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000[what, type=artist]'
+ expect { Asciidoctor.convert input }.to raise_error StandardError
+ end