= GitLab link inline macro

An inline macro for easily linking objects from GitLab instances.

== Synopsis

[source, asciidoc]

== Attributes

- `domain` is the base domain of the GitLab instance.
By default, it points to the official instance of `gitlab.com`.

- `rev` is the commit of the repo.
By default. it doesn't point to anything which should be in the default branch of the repository.

- `path` is the filepath to be linked.

== Example usage

- `gitlab:gitlab-org/gitlab[]` will link to link:https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab[the GitLab's source code with the default domain].

- `gitlab:gitlab-org/gitlab[rev=0c9f77389424b6c5fd8e96b227e9125a13a07cb3, path=README.md]` should link to the link:https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/0c9f77389424b6c5fd8e96b227e9125a13a07cb3/README.md[GitLab's README from 3 years ago].

- `gitlab:GNOME/mutter[domain=gitlab.gnome.org, rev=df653b95adf6462fc731998eb53b0860baa7253c, path=meson.build]` should link to link:https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/blob/df653b95adf6462fc731998eb53b0860baa7253c/meson.build[Mutter v44.beta `meson.build` from GNOME GitLab instance].