From 8b4084a9729a03397402be331268b234559f71a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Arazas Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2023 06:55:12 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] chore: reformat codebase --- nvim/init.lua | 24 +- nvim/lua/lsp-user-config.lua | 16 +- nvim/lua/lush_theme/fds-theme.lua | 562 +++++++++++++++--------------- nvim/lua/plugins.lua | 163 +++++---- nvim/luasnippets/all.lua | 51 ++- nvim/luasnippets/asciidoc.lua | 209 ++++++----- wezterm/config/appearance.lua | 4 +- wezterm/config/events.lua | 4 +- wezterm/config/keys.lua | 46 +-- 9 files changed, 564 insertions(+), 515 deletions(-) diff --git a/nvim/init.lua b/nvim/init.lua index 5c72da9..d54c29a 100644 --- a/nvim/init.lua +++ b/nvim/init.lua @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ require("plugins") require("lsp-user-config").setup() -vim.g['mapleader'] = " " -vim.g['maplocalleader'] = "," -vim.g['syntax'] = true +vim.g["mapleader"] = " " +vim.g["maplocalleader"] = "," +vim.g["syntax"] = true -- Editor configuration vim.opt.completeopt = "menuone,noselect" @@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ vim.opt_local.spell = true vim.opt.smartindent = true -- I have yet to solve how to do the following in Lua, lmao -vim.cmd "highlight clear SpellBad" -vim.cmd "highlight clear SpellLocal" -vim.cmd "highlight clear SpellCap" -vim.cmd "highlight clear SpellRare" -vim.cmd "highlight Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse" -vim.cmd "colorscheme fds-theme" +vim.cmd("highlight clear SpellBad") +vim.cmd("highlight clear SpellLocal") +vim.cmd("highlight clear SpellCap") +vim.cmd("highlight clear SpellRare") +vim.cmd("highlight Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse") +vim.cmd("colorscheme fds-theme") -- Keybindings -vim.keymap.set('n', 'bd', ':bd', {}) -vim.keymap.set('i', 'jk', '', {}) -vim.keymap.set('n', 'hr', 'source $MYVIMRC', {}) +vim.keymap.set("n", "bd", ":bd", {}) +vim.keymap.set("i", "jk", "", {}) +vim.keymap.set("n", "hr", "source $MYVIMRC", {}) diff --git a/nvim/lua/lsp-user-config.lua b/nvim/lua/lsp-user-config.lua index ef493b0..dc9140e 100644 --- a/nvim/lua/lsp-user-config.lua +++ b/nvim/lua/lsp-user-config.lua @@ -5,14 +5,18 @@ function setup() -- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys -- after the language server attaches to the current buffer local on_attach = function(client, bufnr) - local function keymap_set(...) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...) end - local function buf_set_option(...) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...) end + local function keymap_set(...) + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...) + end + local function buf_set_option(...) + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...) + end -- Enable completion triggered by buf_set_option("omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc") -- Mappings. - local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true } + local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } -- See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions keymap_set("n", "gD", "lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()", opts) @@ -39,12 +43,12 @@ function setup() capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities(capabilities) -- Enable the following language servers - local servers = { "clangd", "rust_analyzer", "pyright", "tsserver", "rnix", "sumneko_lua" } + local servers = { "clangd", "rust_analyzer", "pyright", "tsserver", "rnix", "lua_ls" } for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do - nvim_lsp[lsp].setup { + nvim_lsp[lsp].setup({ on_attach = on_attach, capabilities = capabilities, - } + }) end end diff --git a/nvim/lua/lush_theme/fds-theme.lua b/nvim/lua/lush_theme/fds-theme.lua index 90cb5c2..acfb177 100644 --- a/nvim/lua/lush_theme/fds-theme.lua +++ b/nvim/lua/lush_theme/fds-theme.lua @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -- CREDITS: pwntester/nautilus.nvim -local lush = require('lush') +local lush = require("lush") local hsl = lush.hsluv --[[ @@ -19,24 +19,25 @@ local hsl = lush.hsluv base0D - Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings base0E - Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed base0F - Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. -]]-- +]] +-- -local base00 = hsl('#2b221f') -local base01 = hsl('#412c26') -local base02 = hsl('#5c362c') -local base03 = hsl('#a45b43') -local base04 = hsl('#e1bcb2') -local base05 = hsl('#f5ecea') -local base06 = hsl('#fefefe') -local base07 = hsl('#eb8a65') -local base08 = hsl('#d03e68') -local base09 = hsl('#df937a') -local base0A = hsl('#afa644') -local base0B = hsl('#85b26e') -local base0C = hsl('#eb914a') -local base0D = hsl('#c67f62') -local base0E = hsl('#8b7ab9') -local base0F = hsl('#7f3F83') +local base00 = hsl("#2b221f") +local base01 = hsl("#412c26") +local base02 = hsl("#5c362c") +local base03 = hsl("#a45b43") +local base04 = hsl("#e1bcb2") +local base05 = hsl("#f5ecea") +local base06 = hsl("#fefefe") +local base07 = hsl("#eb8a65") +local base08 = hsl("#d03e68") +local base09 = hsl("#df937a") +local base0A = hsl("#afa644") +local base0B = hsl("#85b26e") +local base0C = hsl("#eb914a") +local base0D = hsl("#c67f62") +local base0E = hsl("#8b7ab9") +local base0F = hsl("#7f3F83") --[[ @@ -66,332 +67,331 @@ vim.g.terminal_color_foreground = base0E.hex return lush(function() return { - Normal { fg = base05, bg = base00 }, - NormalFloat { fg = Normal.fg.saturate(15).lighten(5), bg = }, - Bold { gui = 'bold' }, - Debug { fg = base08 }, - Directory { fg = base0D }, - Error { fg = base01, bg = base08 }, - ErrorMsg { fg = base08 }, - Exception { fg = base08 }, - FoldColumn { fg = base03 }, - Folded { fg = base03, bg = base01 }, - Italic { gui = 'italic' }, - Macro { fg = base08 }, - ModeMsg { fg = base0B }, - MoreMsg { fg = base0B }, - Question { fg = base0D }, - Search { fg = base00, bg = base04 }, - IncSearch { fg = base00, bg = base09 }, - Substitute { fg = base01, bg = base0A }, - SpecialKey { fg = base03 }, - TooLong { fg = base08 }, - Underlined { fg = base08 }, - WarningMsg { fg = base08 }, - WildMenu { fg = base08, bg = base0A }, - Title { fg = base0D }, - Conceal { fg = base0D }, - Cursor { fg = base00, bg = base05 }, - NonText { fg = base03 }, - LineNr { fg = base02.lighten(25), bg = base00 }, - LineNrNC { fg = base02.lighten(25), bg = base01 }, - SignColumn { fg = base01.lighten(40) }, - StatusLine { fg = base02, bg = base01.darken(60) }, - StatusLineNC { fg = base02, bg = base01.darken(30) }, - VertSplit { fg = base02, bg = base00 }, - ColorColumn { fg = base01.lighten(25), bg = base01.darken(25) }, - CursorLine { bg = base01.saturate(-5).darken(15) }, - CursorColumn { CursorLine }, - CursorLineNr { fg = base0A, CursorColumn }, - Visual { CursorColumn, fg = base03.lighten(15) }, - VisualNOS { fg = base08 }, - QuickFixLine { bg = base00 }, - QFFileName { fg = base0A }, - QFLineNr { fg = base04 }, - PMenu { fg = base05, bg = base01 }, - PMenuSel { fg = base01, bg = base05 }, - TabLineSel { fg = base00, bg = base0A }, - TabLine { fg = base03, bg = base00.darken(15) }, - TabLineFill { fg = base03, bg = base00.darken(25) }, - EndOfBuffer { fg = base01.lighten(20), bg = base01.darken(20) }, - + Normal({ fg = base05, bg = base00 }), + NormalFloat({ fg = Normal.fg.saturate(15).lighten(5), bg = }), + Bold({ gui = "bold" }), + Debug({ fg = base08 }), + Directory({ fg = base0D }), + Error({ fg = base01, bg = base08 }), + ErrorMsg({ fg = base08 }), + Exception({ fg = base08 }), + FoldColumn({ fg = base03 }), + Folded({ fg = base03, bg = base01 }), + Italic({ gui = "italic" }), + Macro({ fg = base08 }), + ModeMsg({ fg = base0B }), + MoreMsg({ fg = base0B }), + Question({ fg = base0D }), + Search({ fg = base00, bg = base04 }), + IncSearch({ fg = base00, bg = base09 }), + Substitute({ fg = base01, bg = base0A }), + SpecialKey({ fg = base03 }), + TooLong({ fg = base08 }), + Underlined({ fg = base08 }), + WarningMsg({ fg = base08 }), + WildMenu({ fg = base08, bg = base0A }), + Title({ fg = base0D }), + Conceal({ fg = base0D }), + Cursor({ fg = base00, bg = base05 }), + NonText({ fg = base03 }), + LineNr({ fg = base02.lighten(25), bg = base00 }), + LineNrNC({ fg = base02.lighten(25), bg = base01 }), + SignColumn({ fg = base01.lighten(40) }), + StatusLine({ fg = base02, bg = base01.darken(60) }), + StatusLineNC({ fg = base02, bg = base01.darken(30) }), + VertSplit({ fg = base02, bg = base00 }), + ColorColumn({ fg = base01.lighten(25), bg = base01.darken(25) }), + CursorLine({ bg = base01.saturate(-5).darken(15) }), + CursorColumn({ CursorLine }), + CursorLineNr({ fg = base0A, CursorColumn }), + Visual({ CursorColumn, fg = base03.lighten(15) }), + VisualNOS({ fg = base08 }), + QuickFixLine({ bg = base00 }), + QFFileName({ fg = base0A }), + QFLineNr({ fg = base04 }), + PMenu({ fg = base05, bg = base01 }), + PMenuSel({ fg = base01, bg = base05 }), + TabLineSel({ fg = base00, bg = base0A }), + TabLine({ fg = base03, bg = base00.darken(15) }), + TabLineFill({ fg = base03, bg = base00.darken(25) }), + EndOfBuffer({ fg = base01.lighten(20), bg = base01.darken(20) }), -- Standard syntax highlighting - Boolean { fg = base09 }, - Character { fg = base08 }, - Comment { fg = base03, gui = "italic" }, - Conditional { fg = base0E }, - Constant { fg = base09 }, - Define { fg = base0E }, - Delimiter { fg = base0F.lighten(10) }, - Float { fg = base09 }, - Function { fg = base0D }, - Identifier { fg = base0A }, - Include { fg = base0D }, - Keyword { fg = base0E }, - Label { fg = base0A }, - Number { fg = base03 }, - Operator { fg = base03 }, - PreProc { fg = base0A }, - Repeat { fg = base0A }, - Special { fg = base0C }, - SpecialChar { fg = base0F.lighten(15).saturate(10) }, - Statement { fg = base08 }, - StorageClass { fg = base0A }, - String { fg = base0B }, - Structure { fg = base0E }, - Tag { fg = base0A }, - Todo { fg = base0A, bg = base01 }, - Type { fg = base0A }, - Typedef { fg = base0A }, + Boolean({ fg = base09 }), + Character({ fg = base08 }), + Comment({ fg = base03, gui = "italic" }), + Conditional({ fg = base0E }), + Constant({ fg = base09 }), + Define({ fg = base0E }), + Delimiter({ fg = base0F.lighten(10) }), + Float({ fg = base09 }), + Function({ fg = base0D }), + Identifier({ fg = base0A }), + Include({ fg = base0D }), + Keyword({ fg = base0E }), + Label({ fg = base0A }), + Number({ fg = base03 }), + Operator({ fg = base03 }), + PreProc({ fg = base0A }), + Repeat({ fg = base0A }), + Special({ fg = base0C }), + SpecialChar({ fg = base0F.lighten(15).saturate(10) }), + Statement({ fg = base08 }), + StorageClass({ fg = base0A }), + String({ fg = base0B }), + Structure({ fg = base0E }), + Tag({ fg = base0A }), + Todo({ fg = base0A, bg = base01 }), + Type({ fg = base0A }), + Typedef({ fg = base0A }), --- -- Extra definitions --- -- Help - HelpDoc { fg = base05, bg = base0D, gui = 'bold,italic' }, - HelpIgnore { fg = base0B, gui = 'bold,italic' }, + HelpDoc({ fg = base05, bg = base0D, gui = "bold,italic" }), + HelpIgnore({ fg = base0B, gui = "bold,italic" }), -- C highlighting - cOperator { fg = base0C }, - cPreCondit { fg = base0E }, + cOperator({ fg = base0C }), + cPreCondit({ fg = base0E }), -- C# highlighting - csClass { fg = base0A }, - csAttribute { fg = base0A }, - csModifier { fg = base0E }, - csType { fg = base08 }, - csUnspecifiedStatement { fg = base0D }, - csContextualStatement { fg = base0E }, - csNewDecleration { fg = base08 }, + csClass({ fg = base0A }), + csAttribute({ fg = base0A }), + csModifier({ fg = base0E }), + csType({ fg = base08 }), + csUnspecifiedStatement({ fg = base0D }), + csContextualStatement({ fg = base0E }), + csNewDecleration({ fg = base08 }), -- CSS highlighting - cssBraces { fg = base05 }, - cssClassName { fg = base0E }, - cssColor { fg = base0C }, + cssBraces({ fg = base05 }), + cssClassName({ fg = base0E }), + cssColor({ fg = base0C }), -- Diff highlighting - DiffAdd { fg = base0B, bg = base0B.darken(80) }, - DiffAdded { fg = base0B, bg = base0B.darken(80) }, - DiffNewFile { fg = base0B, bg = base0B.darken(80) }, + DiffAdd({ fg = base0B, bg = base0B.darken(80) }), + DiffAdded({ fg = base0B, bg = base0B.darken(80) }), + DiffNewFile({ fg = base0B, bg = base0B.darken(80) }), - DiffDelete { fg = base08, bg = base08.darken(80) }, - DiffRemoved { fg = base08, bg = base08.darken(80) }, + DiffDelete({ fg = base08, bg = base08.darken(80) }), + DiffRemoved({ fg = base08, bg = base08.darken(80) }), - DiffChange { fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }, - DiffFile { fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }, - DiffLine { fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }, - DiffText { fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }, + DiffChange({ fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }), + DiffFile({ fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }), + DiffLine({ fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }), + DiffText({ fg = base03, bg = base03.darken(60) }), -- Git highlighting - gitcommitOverflow { fg = base08 }, - gitcommitSummary { fg = base0B }, - gitcommitComment { fg = base03 }, - gitcommitUntracked { fg = base03 }, - gitcommitDiscarded { fg = base03 }, - gitcommitSelected { fg = base03 }, - gitcommitHeader { fg = base0E }, - gitcommitSelectedType { fg = base0D }, - gitcommitUnmergedType { fg = base0D }, - gitcommitDiscardedType { fg = base0D }, - gitcommitBranch { fg = base09, gui = 'bold' }, - gitcommitUntrackedFile { fg = base0A }, - gitcommitUnmergedFile { fg = base08, gui = 'bold' }, - gitcommitDiscardedFile { fg = base08, gui = 'bold' }, - gitcommitSelectedFile { fg = base0B, gui = 'bold' }, + gitcommitOverflow({ fg = base08 }), + gitcommitSummary({ fg = base0B }), + gitcommitComment({ fg = base03 }), + gitcommitUntracked({ fg = base03 }), + gitcommitDiscarded({ fg = base03 }), + gitcommitSelected({ fg = base03 }), + gitcommitHeader({ fg = base0E }), + gitcommitSelectedType({ fg = base0D }), + gitcommitUnmergedType({ fg = base0D }), + gitcommitDiscardedType({ fg = base0D }), + gitcommitBranch({ fg = base09, gui = "bold" }), + gitcommitUntrackedFile({ fg = base0A }), + gitcommitUnmergedFile({ fg = base08, gui = "bold" }), + gitcommitDiscardedFile({ fg = base08, gui = "bold" }), + gitcommitSelectedFile({ fg = base0B, gui = "bold" }), -- GitGutter highlighting - GitGutterAdd { fg = base0B, bg = base01 }, - GitGutterChange { fg = base0D, bg = base01 }, - GitGutterDelete { fg = base08, bg = base01 }, - GitGutterChangeDelete { fg = base0E, bg = base01 }, + GitGutterAdd({ fg = base0B, bg = base01 }), + GitGutterChange({ fg = base0D, bg = base01 }), + GitGutterDelete({ fg = base08, bg = base01 }), + GitGutterChangeDelete({ fg = base0E, bg = base01 }), -- HTML highlighting - htmlBold { fg = base0A }, - htmlItalic { fg = base0E }, - htmlEndTag { fg = base05 }, - htmlTag { fg = base05 }, + htmlBold({ fg = base0A }), + htmlItalic({ fg = base0E }), + htmlEndTag({ fg = base05 }), + htmlTag({ fg = base05 }), -- JavaScript highlighting - javaScript { fg = base05 }, - javaScriptBraces { fg = base05 }, - javaScriptNumber { fg = base09 }, + javaScript({ fg = base05 }), + javaScriptBraces({ fg = base05 }), + javaScriptNumber({ fg = base09 }), -- pangloss/vim-javascript highlighting - jsOperator { fg = base0D }, - jsStatement { fg = base0E }, - jsReturn { fg = base0E }, - jsThis { fg = base08 }, - jsClassDefinition { fg = base0A }, - jsFunction { fg = base0E }, - jsFuncName { fg = base0D }, - jsFuncCall { fg = base0D }, - jsClassFuncName { fg = base0D }, - jsClassMethodType { fg = base0E }, - jsRegexpString { fg = base0C }, - jsGlobalObjects { fg = base0A }, - jsGlobalNodeObjects { fg = base0A }, - jsExceptions { fg = base0A }, - jsBuiltins { fg = base0A }, + jsOperator({ fg = base0D }), + jsStatement({ fg = base0E }), + jsReturn({ fg = base0E }), + jsThis({ fg = base08 }), + jsClassDefinition({ fg = base0A }), + jsFunction({ fg = base0E }), + jsFuncName({ fg = base0D }), + jsFuncCall({ fg = base0D }), + jsClassFuncName({ fg = base0D }), + jsClassMethodType({ fg = base0E }), + jsRegexpString({ fg = base0C }), + jsGlobalObjects({ fg = base0A }), + jsGlobalNodeObjects({ fg = base0A }), + jsExceptions({ fg = base0A }), + jsBuiltins({ fg = base0A }), -- Mail highlighting - mailQuoted1 { fg = base0A }, - mailQuoted2 { fg = base0B }, - mailQuoted3 { fg = base0E }, - mailQuoted4 { fg = base0C }, - mailQuoted5 { fg = base0D }, - mailQuoted6 { fg = base0A }, - mailURL { fg = base0D }, - mailEmail { fg = base0D }, + mailQuoted1({ fg = base0A }), + mailQuoted2({ fg = base0B }), + mailQuoted3({ fg = base0E }), + mailQuoted4({ fg = base0C }), + mailQuoted5({ fg = base0D }), + mailQuoted6({ fg = base0A }), + mailURL({ fg = base0D }), + mailEmail({ fg = base0D }), -- Markdown highlighting - markdownh1 { fg = base0D, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownh2 { fg = base0D, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownh3 { fg = base0D, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownh4 { fg = base0D, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownh5 { fg = base0D, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownh6 { fg = base0A, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownRule { fg =, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownItalic { fg = base05, gui = 'italic' }, - markdownBold { fg = base05, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownBoldItalic { fg = base05, gui = 'bold,italic' }, - markdownCodeDelimiter { fg = base0B, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownCode { fg = base07, bg = base00 }, - markdownCodeBlock { fg = base0B }, - markdownFootnoteDefinition { fg = base05, gui = 'italic' }, - markdownListMarker { fg = base05, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownLineBreak { fg = base08, gui = 'underline' }, - markdownError { fg = base05, bg = base00 }, - markdownHeadingDelimiter { fg = base0D }, - markdownUrl { fg = base09 }, - markdownFootnote { fg = base0E, gui = 'italic' }, - markdownBlockquote { fg = base0C, gui = 'bold' }, - markdownLinkText { fg = base08, gui = 'italic' }, + markdownh1({ fg = base0D, gui = "bold" }), + markdownh2({ fg = base0D, gui = "bold" }), + markdownh3({ fg = base0D, gui = "bold" }), + markdownh4({ fg = base0D, gui = "bold" }), + markdownh5({ fg = base0D, gui = "bold" }), + markdownh6({ fg = base0A, gui = "bold" }), + markdownRule({ fg =, gui = "bold" }), + markdownItalic({ fg = base05, gui = "italic" }), + markdownBold({ fg = base05, gui = "bold" }), + markdownBoldItalic({ fg = base05, gui = "bold,italic" }), + markdownCodeDelimiter({ fg = base0B, gui = "bold" }), + markdownCode({ fg = base07, bg = base00 }), + markdownCodeBlock({ fg = base0B }), + markdownFootnoteDefinition({ fg = base05, gui = "italic" }), + markdownListMarker({ fg = base05, gui = "bold" }), + markdownLineBreak({ fg = base08, gui = "underline" }), + markdownError({ fg = base05, bg = base00 }), + markdownHeadingDelimiter({ fg = base0D }), + markdownUrl({ fg = base09 }), + markdownFootnote({ fg = base0E, gui = "italic" }), + markdownBlockquote({ fg = base0C, gui = "bold" }), + markdownLinkText({ fg = base08, gui = "italic" }), -- NERDTree highlighting - NERDTreeDirSlash { fg = base0D }, - NERDTreeExecFile { fg = base05 }, + NERDTreeDirSlash({ fg = base0D }), + NERDTreeExecFile({ fg = base05 }), -- PHP highlighting - phpMemberSelector { fg = base05 }, - phpComparison { fg = base05 }, - phpParent { fg = base05 }, - phpMethodsVar { fg = base0C }, + phpMemberSelector({ fg = base05 }), + phpComparison({ fg = base05 }), + phpParent({ fg = base05 }), + phpMethodsVar({ fg = base0C }), -- Python highlighting - pythonOperator { fg = base0E }, - pythonRepeat { fg = base0E }, - pythonInclude { fg = base0E }, - pythonStatement { fg = base0E }, + pythonOperator({ fg = base0E }), + pythonRepeat({ fg = base0E }), + pythonInclude({ fg = base0E }), + pythonStatement({ fg = base0E }), -- Ruby highlighting - rubyAttribute { fg = base0D }, - rubyConstant { fg = base0A }, - rubyInterpolationDelimiter { fg = base0F }, - rubyRegexp { fg = base0C }, - rubySymbol { fg = base0B }, - rubyStringDelimiter { fg = base0B }, + rubyAttribute({ fg = base0D }), + rubyConstant({ fg = base0A }), + rubyInterpolationDelimiter({ fg = base0F }), + rubyRegexp({ fg = base0C }), + rubySymbol({ fg = base0B }), + rubyStringDelimiter({ fg = base0B }), -- SASS highlighting - sassidChar { fg = base08 }, - sassClassChar { fg = base09 }, - sassInclude { fg = base0E }, - sassMixing { fg = base0E }, - sassMixinName { fg = base0D }, + sassidChar({ fg = base08 }), + sassClassChar({ fg = base09 }), + sassInclude({ fg = base0E }), + sassMixing({ fg = base0E }), + sassMixinName({ fg = base0D }), -- Spelling highlighting - SpellBad { gui = 'undercurl' }, --, base08) - SpellLocal { gui = 'undercurl' }, --, base0C) - SpellCap { gui = 'undercurl' }, --, base0D) - SpellRare { gui = 'undercurl' }, --, base0E) + SpellBad({ gui = "undercurl" }), --, base08) + SpellLocal({ gui = "undercurl" }), --, base0C) + SpellCap({ gui = "undercurl" }), --, base0D) + SpellRare({ gui = "undercurl" }), --, base0E) -- Startify highlighting - StartifyBracket { fg = base03 }, - StartifyFile { fg = base07 }, - StartifyFooter { fg = base03 }, - StartifyHeader { fg = base0B }, - StartifyNumber { fg = base09 }, - StartifyPath { fg = base03 }, - StartifySection { fg = base0E }, - StartifySelect { fg = base0C }, - StartifySlash { fg = base03 }, - StartifySpecial { fg = base03 }, + StartifyBracket({ fg = base03 }), + StartifyFile({ fg = base07 }), + StartifyFooter({ fg = base03 }), + StartifyHeader({ fg = base0B }), + StartifyNumber({ fg = base09 }), + StartifyPath({ fg = base03 }), + StartifySection({ fg = base0E }), + StartifySelect({ fg = base0C }), + StartifySlash({ fg = base03 }), + StartifySpecial({ fg = base03 }), -- Java highlighting - javaOperator { fg = base0D }, + javaOperator({ fg = base0D }), -- Telescope highlighting - TelescopeNormal { fg = base05, bg = base01 }, - TelescopeBorder { fg = base00, bg = base01 }, - TelescopePromptPrefix { fg = base0A, bg = base01 }, - TelescopeMatching { fg = base0D, bg = base01 }, - TelescopeSelection { fg = base0A, bg = base01 }, - TelescopeSelectionCaret { fg = base0A, bg = base01 }, + TelescopeNormal({ fg = base05, bg = base01 }), + TelescopeBorder({ fg = base00, bg = base01 }), + TelescopePromptPrefix({ fg = base0A, bg = base01 }), + TelescopeMatching({ fg = base0D, bg = base01 }), + TelescopeSelection({ fg = base0A, bg = base01 }), + TelescopeSelectionCaret({ fg = base0A, bg = base01 }), --LSP highlighting - LspDiagnosticsDefaultError { fg = base08 }, - LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning { fg = base09 }, - LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint { fg = base0A }, - LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation { fg = base0B }, + LspDiagnosticsDefaultError({ fg = base08 }), + LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning({ fg = base09 }), + LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint({ fg = base0A }), + LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation({ fg = base0B }), -- XML highlighting - xmlTagName { fg = base0D }, - xmlCdatastart { fg = base0A }, - xmlEndTag { fg = }, - xmlCdataCdata { fg = }, + xmlTagName({ fg = base0D }), + xmlCdatastart({ fg = base0A }), + xmlEndTag({ fg = }), + xmlCdataCdata({ fg = }), -- MatchParen - MatchParen { fg = base07, bg = base08 }, + MatchParen({ fg = base07, bg = base08 }), -- CodeQL - CodeqlAstFocus { fg = base00, bg = base03 }, + CodeqlAstFocus({ fg = base00, bg = base03 }), -- TreeSitter - TSError { fg =, gui = 'bold' }, - TSPunctDelimiter { fg = base05 }, - TSPunctBracket { fg = base05 }, - TSConstant { fg = Constant.fg }, - TSConstBuiltin { fg = Constant.fg }, - TSConstMacro { fg = Constant.fg }, - TSString { fg = String.fg }, - TSStringRegex { fg = base03 }, - TSStringEscape { fg = base03 }, - TSCharacter { fg = Character.fg }, - TSNumber { fg = Number.fg }, - TSBoolean { fg = Boolean.fg }, - TSFloat { fg = Number.fg }, - TSFunction { fg = Function.fg }, - TSFuncBuiltin { fg = Function.fg }, - TSFuncMacro { fg = Function.fg }, - TSParameter { fg = base0D }, - TSConstructor { fg = base0E }, - TSKeywordFunction { fg = base0E }, - TSLiteral { fg = base04, gui = 'bold' }, - TSVariable { fg = base03.lighten(25) }, - TSVariableBuiltin { fg = base0E }, - TSParameterReference { fg = TSParameter.fg }, - TSMethod { fg = Function.fg }, - TSConditional { fg = Conditional.fg }, - TSRepeat { fg = Repeat.fg }, - TSLabel { fg = Label.fg }, - TSOperator { fg = Operator.fg }, - TSKeyword { fg = Keyword.fg }, - TSException { fg = Exception.fg }, - TSType { fg = Type.fg }, - TSTypeBuiltin { fg = Type.fg }, - TSStructure { fg = Structure.fg }, - TSInclude { fg = Include.fg }, - TSAnnotation { fg = base03 }, - TSStrong { fg = base05, bg = base00, gui = 'bold' }, - TSTitle { fg = base0D }, + TSError({ fg =, gui = "bold" }), + TSPunctDelimiter({ fg = base05 }), + TSPunctBracket({ fg = base05 }), + TSConstant({ fg = Constant.fg }), + TSConstBuiltin({ fg = Constant.fg }), + TSConstMacro({ fg = Constant.fg }), + TSString({ fg = String.fg }), + TSStringRegex({ fg = base03 }), + TSStringEscape({ fg = base03 }), + TSCharacter({ fg = Character.fg }), + TSNumber({ fg = Number.fg }), + TSBoolean({ fg = Boolean.fg }), + TSFloat({ fg = Number.fg }), + TSFunction({ fg = Function.fg }), + TSFuncBuiltin({ fg = Function.fg }), + TSFuncMacro({ fg = Function.fg }), + TSParameter({ fg = base0D }), + TSConstructor({ fg = base0E }), + TSKeywordFunction({ fg = base0E }), + TSLiteral({ fg = base04, gui = "bold" }), + TSVariable({ fg = base03.lighten(25) }), + TSVariableBuiltin({ fg = base0E }), + TSParameterReference({ fg = TSParameter.fg }), + TSMethod({ fg = Function.fg }), + TSConditional({ fg = Conditional.fg }), + TSRepeat({ fg = Repeat.fg }), + TSLabel({ fg = Label.fg }), + TSOperator({ fg = Operator.fg }), + TSKeyword({ fg = Keyword.fg }), + TSException({ fg = Exception.fg }), + TSType({ fg = Type.fg }), + TSTypeBuiltin({ fg = Type.fg }), + TSStructure({ fg = Structure.fg }), + TSInclude({ fg = Include.fg }), + TSAnnotation({ fg = base03 }), + TSStrong({ fg = base05, bg = base00, gui = "bold" }), + TSTitle({ fg = base0D }), -- Diff highlighting - GitSignsAdd { fg = base0B, }, - GitSignsDelete { fg = base08 }, - GitSignsChange { fg = base03 }, + GitSignsAdd({ fg = base0B }), + GitSignsDelete({ fg = base08 }), + GitSignsChange({ fg = base03 }), -- Indent-Blank-Lines - IndentGuide { fg = base01, bg = base05 }, + IndentGuide({ fg = base01, bg = base05 }), } end) diff --git a/nvim/lua/plugins.lua b/nvim/lua/plugins.lua index 00524f0..4eca2d6 100644 --- a/nvim/lua/plugins.lua +++ b/nvim/lua/plugins.lua @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ local install_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim" if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then - packer_bootstrap = vim.fn.system({"git", "clone", "", install_path}) + packer_bootstrap = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "", install_path }) end local packer = require("packer") @@ -14,46 +14,46 @@ local util = require("packer.util") return packer.startup({ function(use) -- Let the package manager manage itself. - use { "wbthomason/packer.nvim" } + use({ "wbthomason/packer.nvim" }) -- Custom color themes! - use { "rktjmp/lush.nvim" } + use({ "rktjmp/lush.nvim" }) -- EditorConfig plugin - use { "editorconfig/editorconfig-vim" } + use({ "editorconfig/editorconfig-vim" }) -- Colorize common color strings - use { + use({ "norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua", config = function() - require("colorizer").setup() - end - } + require("colorizer").setup() + end, + }) -- Snippets engine. -- A must have for me. - use { + use({ "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip", requires = { "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets", }, - config = function () + config = function() require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load() require("luasnip.loaders.from_lua").lazy_load() local ls = require("luasnip") local types = require("luasnip.util.types") - ls.config.set_config { + ls.config.set_config({ history = true, update_events = "TextChanged,TextChangedI", ext_opts = { [types.choiceNode] = { active = { - virt_text = { {"<- Current choice", "Comment"} }, + virt_text = { { "<- Current choice", "Comment" } }, }, }, }, - } + }) vim.keymap.set({ "i", "s" }, "", function() if ls.jumpable(1) then @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ return packer.startup({ vim.keymap.set({ "i", "s" }, "", function() if ls.jumpable(-1) then - ls.jump(-1) + ls.jump(-1) end end) vim.keymap.set({ "i", "s" }, "", function() if ls.expand_or_jumpable() then - ls.expand_or_jump() + ls.expand_or_jump() end end) @@ -77,52 +77,72 @@ return packer.startup({ require("luasnip.extras.select_choice")() end) end, - } + }) -- Fuzzy finder of lists - use { + use({ "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", requires = { - {"nvim-lua/popup.nvim"}, - {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"}, - {"nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim"} + { "nvim-lua/popup.nvim" }, + { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, + { "nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim" }, }, config = function() -- Telescope setup - require("telescope").setup { + require("telescope").setup({ extensions = { project = { base_dirs = { - {"~/library/projects/software", max_depth = 2}, - {"~/library/projects/packages"}, - {"~/library/writings"}, + { "~/library/projects/software", max_depth = 2 }, + { "~/library/projects/packages" }, + { "~/library/writings" }, }, }, }, - } + }) require("telescope").load_extension("project") - vim.keymap.set('n', 'ff', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ hidden = true })', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fF', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ cwd = require("telescope.utils").buffer_dir(), hidden = true })', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fg', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").grep_string()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fG', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fb', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fh', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").help_tags()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'ft', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").treesitter()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fb', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fr', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles()', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fR', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles({ only_cwd = true })', { noremap = true }) - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fA', 'lua require("telescope.builtin").resume()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set( + "n", + "ff", + 'lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ hidden = true })', + { noremap = true } + ) + vim.keymap.set( + "n", + "fF", + 'lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ cwd = require("telescope.utils").buffer_dir(), hidden = true })', + { noremap = true } + ) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fg", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").grep_string()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fG", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fb", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fh", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").help_tags()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set("n", "ft", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").treesitter()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fb", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fr", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles()', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set( + "n", + "fR", + 'lua require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles({ only_cwd = true })', + { noremap = true } + ) + vim.keymap.set("n", "fA", 'lua require("telescope.builtin").resume()', { noremap = true }) -- Ekeymap.set - vim.keymap.set('n', 'fp', 'lua require("telescope").extensions.project.project({})', { noremap = true }) + vim.keymap.set( + "n", + "fp", + 'lua require("telescope").extensions.project.project({})', + { noremap = true } + ) end, - } + }) -- Marks in ~~steroids~~ coconut oil - use { + use({ "ThePrimeagen/harpoon", config = function() vim.keymap.set("n", "fm", "lua require('harpoon.mark').add_file()", {}) @@ -133,12 +153,12 @@ return packer.startup({ require("telescope").load_extension("harpoon") end end, - requires = { {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"} } - } + requires = { { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" } }, + }) -- A completion engine. -- nvim-cmp is mostly explicit by making the configuration process manual unlike bigger plugins like CoC - use { + use({ "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp", requires = { "hrsh7th/cmp-buffer", @@ -152,7 +172,7 @@ return packer.startup({ cmp.setup({ snippet = { - expand = function (args) + expand = function(args) ls.lsp_expand(args.body) end, }, @@ -178,25 +198,25 @@ return packer.startup({ }), }, }) - end - } + end, + }) -- A linting engine, a DAP client, and an LSP client entered into a bar. - use { + use({ "dense-analysis/ale", config = function() vim.g.ale_disable_lsp = 1 end, - } - use { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" } - use { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" } - use { "puremourning/vimspector" } + }) + use({ "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" }) + use({ "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" }) + use({ "puremourning/vimspector" }) -- tree-sitter - use { + use({ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", requires = { - "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects" + "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects", }, run = ":TSUpdate", config = function() @@ -241,38 +261,41 @@ return packer.startup({ }, }, }) - end - } + end, + }) -- One of the most popular plugins. -- Allows to create more substantial status bars. - use { "vim-airline/vim-airline" } + use({ "vim-airline/vim-airline" }) -- Fuzzy finder for finding files freely and fastly. - use { - "junegunn/fzf", - requires = "junegunn/fzf.vim" - } + use({ + "junegunn/fzf", + requires = "junegunn/fzf.vim", + }) -- Enable visuals for addition/deletion of lines in the gutter (side) similar to Visual Studio Code. - use { "airblade/vim-gitgutter" } + use({ "airblade/vim-gitgutter" }) -- Language plugins. - use { "LnL7/vim-nix" } -- Nix - use { "vmchale/dhall-vim" } -- Dhall - use { "ziglang/zig.vim" } -- Zig + use({ "LnL7/vim-nix" }) -- Nix + use({ "vmchale/dhall-vim" }) -- Dhall + use({ "ziglang/zig.vim" }) -- Zig + + use({ "RRethy/nvim-base16" }) -- Use Neovim even inside of browsers. - use { + use({ "glacambre/firenvim", run = function() vim.fn["firenvim#install"](0) - end - } + end, + }) - use { "" } - use { "Olical/conjure", } + use({ "" }) + use({ "Olical/conjure" }) end, config = { - compile_path = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('data'), 'site', 'after', 'plugin', 'packer_compiled.lua'), -}}) + compile_path = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath("data"), "site", "after", "plugin", "packer_compiled.lua"), + }, +}) diff --git a/nvim/luasnippets/all.lua b/nvim/luasnippets/all.lua index 627a46d..25e04b3 100644 --- a/nvim/luasnippets/all.lua +++ b/nvim/luasnippets/all.lua @@ -1,34 +1,31 @@ return { - s( - "today", - f(function () - return "%F" - end) - ), + s( + "today", + f(function() + return"%F") + end) + ), - s( - "retrieve", - f(function () - return string.format("(retrieved %s)","%F")) - end) - ), + s( + "retrieve", + f(function() + return string.format("(retrieved %s)","%F")) + end) + ), - s( - { trig = "reldate (-?%d+) \"(.+)\"", regTrig = true }, - f(function(_, snip) - -- The point is in number of days. - local point = 60 * 60 * 24 * snip.captures[1] + s( + { trig = 'reldate (-?%d+) "(.+)"', regTrig = true }, + f(function(_, snip) + -- The point is in number of days. + local point = 60 * 60 * 24 * snip.captures[1] - local now = os.time() - return[2], now + point) - end) - ), + local now = os.time() + return[2], now + point) + end) + ), - s( - "#!", - fmt("#!{}", i(1, "/usr/bin/env bash")) - ), + s("#!", fmt("#!{}", i(1, "/usr/bin/env bash"))), - parse("ie", "(i.e., $1)"), - parse("eg", "(e.g., $1)"), + parse("ie", "(i.e., $1)"), + parse("eg", "(e.g., $1)"), } diff --git a/nvim/luasnippets/asciidoc.lua b/nvim/luasnippets/asciidoc.lua index bc20ef1..16ea6e1 100644 --- a/nvim/luasnippets/asciidoc.lua +++ b/nvim/luasnippets/asciidoc.lua @@ -3,143 +3,168 @@ function max_asciidoc_header(level) end return { - parse("bf", "**$1**"), - parse("it", "__$1__"), - parse("sp", "^$1^"), - parse("sb", "~$1~"), - s("tt", - fmt( - "{}{}{}", - { - c(1, { t "`", t "`+" }), - i(2, "TEXT"), - rep(1), - })), + parse("bf", "**$1**"), + parse("it", "__$1__"), + parse("sp", "^$1^"), + parse("sb", "~$1~"), + s( + "tt", + fmt("{}{}{}", { + c(1, { t("`"), t("`+") }), + i(2, "TEXT"), + rep(1), + }) + ), - parse("foot", "footnote:[$1]"), + parse("foot", "footnote:[$1]"), - s("link", - fmt( - "link:{}[{}]", - { - i(1, "LINK"), - rep(1), - })), + s( + "link", + fmt("link:{}[{}]", { + i(1, "LINK"), + rep(1), + }) + ), - parse("var", ":$1: $2"), + parse("var", ":$1: $2"), - parse("audio", "audio::$1[$2]"), - parse("video", "video::$1[$2]"), + parse("audio", "audio::$1[$2]"), + parse("video", "video::$1[$2]"), - s("img", - fmt([[ + s( + "img", + fmt( + [[ .{} image::{}[{}, {}] {} - ]], { + ]], + { i(1, "CAPTION"), i(2, "IMAGE_PATH"), i(3, "ALT_TEXT"), i(4, "width=100%,height=100%"), i(0), - })), + } + ) + ), - s("fmt", - fmt("{}{}{}", { - c(1, { - t "**", - t "__", - t "`", - }), - i(2), - rep(1), - })), + s( + "fmt", + fmt("{}{}{}", { + c(1, { + t("**"), + t("__"), + t("`"), + }), + i(2), + rep(1), + }) + ), - s("dt", - fmt([[ + s( + "dt", + fmt( + [[ {}:: {} - ]], { + ]], + { i(1, "TERM"), i(2, "DEFINITION"), - })), + } + ) + ), - s("src", - fmt([[ + s( + "src", + fmt( + [[ [source, {}] ---- {} ---- {} - ]], { + ]], + { i(1, "LANGUAGE"), i(2, "CODE"), i(0), - })), + } + ) + ), - s( - { trig = "h(%d)", regTrig = true }, - fmt([[ + s( + { trig = "h(%d)", regTrig = true }, + fmt( + [[ {} {} {} {} - ]], { - f(function(_, snip) - local level = max_asciidoc_header(snip.captures[1]) - return string.rep("=", level) - end), - i(1, "CHAPTER"), - d(2, function(_, snip) - local nodes = {} - table.insert(nodes, t "") + ]], + { + f(function(_, snip) + local level = max_asciidoc_header(snip.captures[1]) + return string.rep("=", level) + end), + i(1, "CHAPTER"), + d(2, function(_, snip) + local nodes = {} + table.insert(nodes, t("")) - local level = max_asciidoc_header(snip.captures[1]) + local level = max_asciidoc_header(snip.captures[1]) - if level == 1 then - table.insert(nodes, t ":toc:") - end + if level == 1 then + table.insert(nodes, t(":toc:")) + end - local parent = c(1, nodes) - if level > 1 then - parent = t "" - end + local parent = c(1, nodes) + if level > 1 then + parent = t("") + end - return sn(nil, parent) - end, {}), - i(0), - }) - ), - - s( - "admon", - fmt("{}: {}", { - c(1, { - t "NOTE", - t "TIP", - t "IMPORTANT", - t "CAUTION", - t "WARNING", - }), + return sn(nil, parent) + end, {}), i(0), - })), + } + ) + ), - s( - "admonB", - fmt([[ + s( + "admon", + fmt("{}: {}", { + c(1, { + t("NOTE"), + t("TIP"), + t("IMPORTANT"), + t("CAUTION"), + t("WARNING"), + }), + i(0), + }) + ), + + s( + "admonB", + fmt( + [[ [{}] ==== {} ==== {} - ]], { + ]], + { c(1, { - t "NOTE", - t "TIP", - t "IMPORTANT", - t "CAUTION", - t "WARNING", + t("NOTE"), + t("TIP"), + t("IMPORTANT"), + t("CAUTION"), + t("WARNING"), }), i(2, "BODY"), i(0), - })), + } + ) + ), } diff --git a/wezterm/config/appearance.lua b/wezterm/config/appearance.lua index fe171a5..60ab8c7 100644 --- a/wezterm/config/appearance.lua +++ b/wezterm/config/appearance.lua @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ function module.apply_to_config(config) config.font_size = 19 -- Thankfully, wezterm can detect fontconfig aliases. - config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback { + config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({ "monospace", "Noto Color Emoji", - } + }) -- Desaturate any inactive panes. config.inactive_pane_hsb = { diff --git a/wezterm/config/events.lua b/wezterm/config/events.lua index 451a514..8a92f98 100644 --- a/wezterm/config/events.lua +++ b/wezterm/config/events.lua @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ wezterm.on("view-last-output-in-new-pane", function(_, pane) f:close() end - pane:split { + pane:split({ args = { os.getenv("PAGER") or "less", tmpname }, direction = "Bottom", domain = { DomainName = "local" }, - } + }) -- Without this, it would quickly close all of the process immediately. wezterm.sleep_ms(1000) diff --git a/wezterm/config/keys.lua b/wezterm/config/keys.lua index 284138b..bc10a96 100644 --- a/wezterm/config/keys.lua +++ b/wezterm/config/keys.lua @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function module.apply_to_config(config) { event = { Down = { streak = 1, button = "Left" } }, - action = act.ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor "Word", + action = act.ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor("Word"), mods = keymod, }, } @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ function module.apply_to_config(config) -- It also makes use of key tables which is defined after. config.keys = { -- Clipboard - { key = "c", mods = keymod, action = act.CopyTo "Clipboard" }, - { key = "v", mods = keymod, action = act.PasteFrom "Clipboard" }, + { key = "c", mods = keymod, action = act.CopyTo("Clipboard") }, + { key = "v", mods = keymod, action = act.PasteFrom("Clipboard") }, -- Font resize. { key = "+", mods = keymod, action = act.IncreaseFontSize }, @@ -54,22 +54,22 @@ function module.apply_to_config(config) { key = "p", mods = "LEADER", - action = act.ActivateKeyTable { + action = act.ActivateKeyTable({ name = "pane_navigation", timeout_milliseconds = 1000, replace_current = true, one_shot = true, - }, + }), }, { key = "r", mods = "LEADER", - action = act.ActivateKeyTable { + action = act.ActivateKeyTable({ name = "resize_pane", replace_current = true, one_shot = false, - }, + }), }, { key = "h", mods = keymod, action = act.ActivatePaneDirection("Left") }, @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ function module.apply_to_config(config) one_shot = true, }), }, - { mods = alt_keymod, key = "h", action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1), }, - { mods = alt_keymod, key = "j", action = act.ActivateTab(-1), }, - { mods = alt_keymod, key = "k", action = act.ActivateTab(0), }, - { mods = alt_keymod, key = "l", action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1), }, + { mods = alt_keymod, key = "h", action = act.ActivateTabRelative(-1) }, + { mods = alt_keymod, key = "j", action = act.ActivateTab(-1) }, + { mods = alt_keymod, key = "k", action = act.ActivateTab(0) }, + { mods = alt_keymod, key = "l", action = act.ActivateTabRelative(1) }, { key = "t", mods = keymod, action = act.ShowTabNavigator }, { key = "d", mods = alt_keymod, action = act.CloseCurrentTab({ confirm = false }) }, @@ -113,63 +113,63 @@ function module.apply_to_config(config) name = "hints", timeout_milliseconds = 1000, replace_current = true, - one_shot = true + one_shot = true, }), }, { key = "r", mods = keymod, action = act.ReloadConfiguration }, { key = "o", mods = keymod, action = act.ShowDebugOverlay }, { key = "p", mods = keymod, action = act.ActivateCommandPalette }, - { key = "e", mods = keymod, action = act.EmitEvent "view-last-output-in-new-pane" }, + { key = "e", mods = keymod, action = act.EmitEvent("view-last-output-in-new-pane") }, -- Selection { key = "Space", mods = "LEADER", action = act.QuickSelect }, { key = "a", mods = keymod, action = act.QuickSelect }, - { key = "s", mods = keymod, action = act.Search { CaseSensitiveString = "" } }, + { key = "s", mods = keymod, action = act.Search({ CaseSensitiveString = "" }) }, } config.key_tables = { hints = { - { key = "g", action = act.Search { Regex = "[0-9a-f]{6,}" } }, + { key = "g", action = act.Search({ Regex = "[0-9a-f]{6,}" }) }, { key = "h", - action = act.QuickSelectArgs { + action = act.QuickSelectArgs({ patterns = { "[0-9a-f]{7,40}", -- SHA1 hashes, usually used for Git. "[0-9a-f]{7,64}", -- SHA256 hashes, used often for getting hashes for Guix packaging. "sha256-[[:alpha:][:digit:]-=+/?]{44}", -- SHA256 hashes in Base64, used often in getting hashes for Nix packaging. "[[:alpha:][:digit:]-=+/?]{44,64}", }, - }, + }), }, -- Basically the equivalent of `kitty hints word`. { key = "w", - action = act.QuickSelectArgs { + action = act.QuickSelectArgs({ patterns = { "\\S+", }, - }, + }), }, -- The equivalent to `kitty hints line`. { key = "l", - action = act.QuickSelectArgs { + action = act.QuickSelectArgs({ patterns = { ".+", }, - }, + }), }, { key = "Space", action = act.QuickSelect }, { key = "s", action = act.QuickSelect }, - { key = "f", action = act.Search { CaseSensitiveString = "" } }, + { key = "f", action = act.Search({ CaseSensitiveString = "" }) }, }, pane_navigation = { - { key = "d", action = act.CloseCurrentPane { confirm = false } }, + { key = "d", action = act.CloseCurrentPane({ confirm = false }) }, { key = "h", action = act.ActivatePaneDirection("Left") }, { key = "j", action = act.ActivatePaneDirection("Down") }, { key = "k", action = act.ActivatePaneDirection("Up") },