;;; tools/wiki/doctor.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (unless (executable-find "sqlite3") (warn! "Couldn't find SQLite executable.")) (unless (modulep! :lang org) (warn! "Doom module ':lang org' is not enabled. This is a pointless addition to your configuration WTF")) (when (modulep! :lang org +roam) (warn! "org-roam v1 is installed. This module is primarily catered for org-roam v2.")) (when (modulep! +biblio) (unless (executable-find "anystyle") (warn! "Couldn't find AnyStyle CLI. The PDF scrapper from org-roam-bibtex will not work.")) (unless (modulep! :tools biblio) (warn! "Doom module ':tools biblio' is not enabled. Completion functions will not work.")))