global !p
# Smartly automate inserting of certain characters. 
# Mainly used for smart space insertion. 
def smart_space(next_str, auto_str=" ", loose=False):
    next_word = ""

    if next_str:
        if loose == True:
            next_word = auto_str
        elif next_str[0] in [",", ".", "-", "!", "?", " "]:
            next_word = auto_str

    return next_word

snippet def "Define function with autocompleting docstrings" iw
def ${1:function_name}($2):
    ${3:To be defined} 
arguments = [ arg.strip() for arg in t[2].split(',') if arg != "self" or len(arg.strip()) > 0 ]

# Format the string with an indent. 
snip >> 1
for arg in arguments:
    split_arg = arg.split('=')

    param = split_arg[0].strip()
    if param:
        snip += f":param: {param} - @TODO"

# Quickly create a class definition. 
# This is inspired from the demo GIF from the official GitHub page at 
snippet class "Class keyword with autocompleting docstrings" iw
class ${1:PICK_A_NAME_CLASS}`!p snip.rv = smart_space(t[2], '(', loose=True)`$2`!p snip.rv = smart_space(t[2], ')', loose=True)`:
    """ ${3:Docstring for $1} """

    def __init__(${4:self}):
        ${5:Creates an instance of $1}
arguments = [ arg.strip() for arg in t[4].split(',') if arg != "self" or len(arg.strip()) > 0 ]

# Format the string with an indent. 
snip >> 2

for arg in arguments:
    split_arg = arg.split('=')

    param = split_arg[0].strip()

    if param:
        snip += f":param: {param} - @TODO"

# Shift by two indentation level
snip >> 2
snip += "" if not t[2] else f"{t[2]}.__init__(self)"

snippet if_main "If __main__" biw
if __name__ == "__main__":
    ${1:print("Hello world!")}