local module = {} local wezterm = require("wezterm") local io = require("io") local os = require("os") function module.apply_to_config(config) wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, _) local key = window:active_key_table() if key then key = "TABLE: " .. key end window:set_right_status(key or "") end) wezterm.on("view-last-output-in-new-pane", function(_, pane) local zones = pane:get_semantic_zones("Output") local last_zone = zones[#zones - 1] if not last_zone then return nil end local output = pane:get_text_from_semantic_zone(last_zone) local tmpname = os.tmpname() local f = io.open(tmpname, "w+") if f ~= nil then f:write(output) f:flush() f:close() end pane:split({ args = { os.getenv("PAGER") or "less", tmpname }, direction = "Bottom", domain = { DomainName = "local" }, }) -- Without this, it would quickly close all of the process immediately. wezterm.sleep_ms(1000) -- While it isn't required, it is nice to clean it up. os.remove(tmpname) end) -- Maximize the terminal on startup. wezterm.on("gui-startup", function(cmd) local tab, pane, window = wezterm.mux.spawn_window(cmd or {}) window:gui_window():maximize() end) end return module