#!/usr/bin/env bash # A quick command line interface for creating a gitignore with the API from https://gitignore.io. # This script comes with a simple caching to avoid creating too much requests. # Dependencies: # * bash # * curl # * fzf # * jq # * paste # * xargs set -eo pipefail CACHE_FILE="${XDG_CACHE_DIR:-$HOME/.cache}/gitignore-io.langs.json" # Check if the language list is downloaded for the last hour (3600 seconds). if [ ! -e $CACHE_FILE ] || test $(expr $(date "+%s") - $(date -r $CACHE_FILE "+%s")) -gt 3600 then curl --silent --location --output $CACHE_FILE "https://gitignore.io/api/list?format=json" fi KEYS=$(jq 'keys | .[] | @text' --raw-output $CACHE_FILE | fzf --multi | while read lang; do echo " .[\"$lang\"].contents"; done | paste -s -d ',') jq "$KEYS" --raw-output $CACHE_FILE