#!/bin/sh # A script that utilizes OCR for a screenshot and copies the text to the clipboard. # Dependencies: # * tesseract 4.1.1 # * leptonica-1.79.0 # * The Tesseract english data # * Image libraries (e.g., `libgif`, `libwebp`) # * xclip - version 0.13 # * the screenshot script I have at https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/screenshot help_section=" Utilizes OCR to an image and copies the text to the clipboard. " temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) temp_img="$temp_dir/image.png" temp_out="$temp_dir/output" screenshot --silent --select --output "$temp_img" && tesseract "$temp_img" "$temp_out" -l eng && less "$temp_out.txt" | xclip -selection clipboard && notify-send "Image content has been copied to clipboard" && rm -rf "$temp_dir"