#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i oil -p coreutils sqlite unzip ripgrep jq file # Convert a Newpipe database (assuming it was exported within the app) into OPML v2. # Dependencies: # * osh (oil shell) v0.8.12 # * sqlite3 v3.34.0 # * unzip # * ripgrep v12.1.1 # * jq # * file # Use the current Oil features in strict mode. # This also enables usage of the syntax. shopt -s strict:all var FILENAME = $1 # Testing if the given file is a zip file. file --mime $FILENAME | rg "application/zip" --quiet || exit 1 var channel_id_eggex = / 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/' (word) / var NEWPIPE_DB = "newpipe.db" var TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "newpipe" var NEWPIPE_DB_QUERY = "SELECT name, url, service_id, group_concat(tag, ',') AS tags FROM (SELECT subscriptions.name, subscriptions.url, subscriptions.service_id, '/' || feed_group.name AS tag FROM subscriptions LEFT JOIN feed_group_subscription_join AS subs_join LEFT JOIN feed_group ON subs_join.subscription_id = subscriptions.uid AND feed_group.uid = subs_join.group_id) GROUP BY name ORDER BY name COLLATE NOCASE;" # Print the beginning of the template. cat < Newpipe subscriptions $(date "+%F %T %z") $(whoami) http://dev.opml.org/spec2.html OPML # Simply prints an `` element formatted approriately for the resulting output. # Don't mind how it is printed right now. :) proc print-outline(title, xml_url, html_url, tags = "") { printf ' \n' } # Print the channels in the OPML body. # This only occurs if the given file does have a Newpipe database. if unzip -l $FILENAME | rg --quiet $NEWPIPE_DB { mkdir $TEMP_FOLDER_NAME && unzip -q -u $FILENAME -d $TEMP_FOLDER_NAME file --mime "${TEMP_FOLDER_NAME}/${NEWPIPE_DB}" | rg --quiet "application/x-sqlite3" || exit 1 trap "rm --recursive $TEMP_FOLDER_NAME" EXIT sqlite3 "${TEMP_FOLDER_NAME}/${NEWPIPE_DB}" "${NEWPIPE_DB_QUERY}" --csv --header \ | dasel select --parser csv --multiple --selector '.[*]' --compact --write json \ | while read channel { echo $channel | json read :channel setvar name = channel['name'] setvar url = channel['url'] setvar service_id = channel['service_id'] setvar tags = channel['tags'] # The `service_id` column indicates where the channel came from the selection of platforms PeerTube offers. # Since the way to handle each platform differs to get the required data, we're throwing them in a case switch. case $service_id { # YouTube '0') { setvar channel_id = $(echo $url | sed --quiet --regexp-extended "s|$channel_id_eggex|\\1|p") setvar xml_url = "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=${channel_id}" } ;; # Peertube instances '3') { # This naive solution just goes through the domain with the assumption that the database is exported properly from the app and not tampered with. # It can go into an infinite loop so take caution for now. setvar domain = $(echo $url | cut --delimiter='/' --fields='-3') setvar _domain_part_index = 4 until (Bool($(curl --silent "$domain/api/v1/config/about" | dasel --parser json --selector ".instance.name"))) { setvar domain = $(echo $url | cut --delimiter='/' --fields="-$_domain_part_index") setvar _domain_part_index = Int($_domain_part_index) + 1 } setvar channel_url = $(echo $url | cut --delimiter='/' --fields='4-') setvar feed_type = $(echo $channel_url | rg "video-channels" --quiet && echo "videoChannelId" || echo "accountId") setvar channel_id = $(curl "${domain}/api/v1/${channel_url}" --silent | dasel --parser json --selector '.id') setvar xml_url = "$domain/feeds/videos.atom?$feed_type=$channel_id" } ;; } print-outline $name $xml_url $url $tags } } # Print the remaining parts of the document. cat < OPML