= dotfiles My dotfiles for my Linux-based system setup. == Specifications Here are the main specifications of my machine currently running this (as of 2019-08-09): * **Operating system**: https://www.archlinux.org/[Arch Linux] * **Display server**: X Window System using https://www.x.org/wiki/[Xorg] * **Window manager**: https://i3wm.org/[i3] (specifically https://github.com/Airblader/i3[i3-gaps]) * **Terminal emulator**: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty[Kitty] * **Shell**: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/[Bash] * **Terminal emulator font**: https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode[Fira Code] == Configuration details Here's a list of the programs with details on the config found in this repo: * https://www.x.org/wiki/[Xorg] - A display server implementing X window system. ** Config found at link:xorg/[`xorg/`] directory. ** Minimum version (from `Xorg -version`): *** `X.Org X Server 1.20.5` *** `X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0` ** The configuration is found at `.Xresources` containing the colors (0 to 15, foreground, and the background) * https://www.vim.org/[Vim] - A modal text editor. ** Config located at link:vim/[`vim/`] directory. ** Minimum version (from `vim --version`): *** `8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Jul 29 2019 20:38:53)` ** Contains my plugin list and editor configurations at `.vimrc` ** Eventually my https://github.com/sirver/UltiSnips[UltiSnips] snippets will also be added * https://ranger.github.io/[Ranger] - A Vim-based file browser. https://github.com/ranger/ranger/wiki[Here's their config documentation for it.] ** Config located at link:ranger/[`ranger/`] directory. ** Minimum version (from `ranger --version`): *** `ranger version: ranger 1.9.2` *** `Python version: 3.7.4 (default, Jul 16 2019, 07:12:58) [GCC 9.1.0]` ** All of the config files are basically default config files except with a few changes. ** Contains keybinding in `rc.conf`. Additional keybindings include the `O` keybinding and their variants for opening my go-to programs such as https://code.visualstudio.com/[Visual Studio Code]. ** `rifle.conf` contains configuration for opening a list of programs. * https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty[Kitty] - A GPU-based terminal emulator. https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/conf.html[Here's the configuration doc for it.] ** Config located at link:kitty/[`kitty/`] directory. ** Minimum version (from `kitty --version`): *** `kitty 0.14.3 created by Kovid Goyal` ** Main config file is `kitty.conf` and it simply sets the font (https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode[Fira Code]) and the color pallete in `colors.conf`. ** `colors.conf` contains the same color scheme in `.Xresources`. ** As a simple reminder, that the colors defined in this `colors.conf` is the one to be used as default color pallete in terminal-based programs such as Vim or Ranger, not the `.Xresources` file. * https://github.com/Airblader/i3[i3-gaps] - A fork of i3 window manager. https://i3wm.org/docs[Here's the documentation page of the program.] ** If it's any of importance, the configuration is prone to be moved for the https://github.com/i3/i3/[original version of i3] since https://github.com/i3/i3/issues/3724[there's consideration for merging of gaps into i3]. ** Config located at link:i3/[`i3/`] directory. ** Minimum version (from `i3 --version`): *** `i3 version 4.17 (04.08.2019) © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors` ** Uses https://github.com/davatorium/rofi[`rofi`] as the application launcher and serves as a replacement for https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/[`dmenu`]. ** The containing config (`config`) is simply the default config with my personal config added into it. Not much to say here except I use `i3bar` (the default bar) and https://github.com/i3/i3status[`i3status`] (the default status bar config) to fill in. ** The config for `i3status` is located in a different directory at link:i3status[`i3status/`] containing a single `config` file (for now). * https://github.com/davatorium/rofi[Rofi] - The application switcher and launcher. Also serves as a replacement for https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/[dmenu]. ** Config located at link:rofi/[`rofi/`]. ** Minimum version (from `rofi -version`): *** `Version: 1.5.4` ** Main config is `config.rasi`.