#!/usr/bin/env bash # This is a fork of rofi-screenshot (original at https://github.com/ceuk/rofi-screenshot/), basically a menu for all of your screenshoting and screencasting needs using rofi as the frontend. # This script is meant to be modified for your specific need so feel free to do that. ############# # CONSTANTS # ############# readonly _script_name="rofi-screenshot" readonly _record_process_name='(/\S+)*ffmpeg\s.*\sx11grab\s.*' readonly _process_id="$$" readonly screenshot_directory="$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshots" readonly screenshot_msg_header="Screenshot" readonly video_directory="$(xdg-user-dir VIDEOS)/recordings" readonly video_msg_header="Screencast" readonly date_filename_format="+%F-%H-%M-%S" # Exit the script on USR1 signal. trap 'exit 1' 10 ##################### # UTILITY FUNCTIONS # ##################### # Setting the default command for ffmpeg. ffmpeg() { command ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -nostdin "$@" } # Convert a video to GIF. # $1 - The input file. # $2 - The output file. video_to_gif() { local input="$1" local output="$2" ffmpeg -i "$input" -vf palettegen -f image2 -c:v png - | ffmpeg -i "$input" -i - -filter_complex paletteuse "$output" } # Create a countdown with desktop notifications. # $1 - The duration of the countdown. # $2 - The header of the notification. _countdown() { local counter="$((${1:-3}))" local msg="${2:-Countdown}" while [[ counter -ne 0 ]]; do notify-send "$msg" "Recording in $counter seconds" --expire-time 1000 --urgency low sleep 1 counter=$((counter - 1)) done } # Prompts the user. # $1 - The prompt message. # $@ - The command to be executed in case the user agrees. _prompt() { local prompt_msg="$1" shift [ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | rofi -dmenu -p "$prompt_msg")" = "Yes" ] && "$@" } # Check for the recording process. _check() { pgrep --full --exact --newest "$_record_process_name" 1>/dev/null } # Kill the recording process. _kill() { pkill --full --exact --newest "$_record_process_name" } ###################### # SCREENSHOT OPTIONS # ###################### capture_region_to_clipboard() { notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Select a region to capture" ffcast -q $(slop -n -f '-g %g ') png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png && \ notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Region copied to clipboard" rm /tmp/screenshot_clip.png } capture_region_to_file() { notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Select a region to capture" dt=$(date "$date_filename_format") local image_file="$screenshot_directory/$dt.png" local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ' || kill -USR1 "$_process_id") ffcast -q "$geometry" png "$image_file" notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Region saved as $image_file" } capture_screen_to_clipboard() { ffcast -q png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png rm /tmp/screenshot_clip.png notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Screenshot copied to clipboard" } capture_screen_to_file() { dt=$(date "$date_filename_format") local image_file="$screenshot_directory/$dt.png" ffcast -q png "$image_file" notify-send "Screenshot" "Screenshot saved as $image_file" } ###################### # SCREENCAST OPTIONS # ###################### record_region_to_gif() { notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Select a region to record" dt=$(date "$date_filename_format") local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ' && _countdown || kill -USR1 "$_process_id") ffcast -q rec /tmp/screenshot_gif.mkv notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Converting to gif... (this can take a while)" local recording_file="$video_directory/$dt.gif" video_to_gif /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 $recording_file rm /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved as $recording_file" } record_screen_to_gif() { _countdown dt=$(date "$date_filename_format") ffcast -q rec /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Converting to GIF... (this can take a while)" local recording_file="$video_directory/$dt.gif" video_to_gif /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 "$screenshot_directory/$dt.gif" rm /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved to $screenshot_directory" } record_region_to_mkv() { notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Select a region to record" dt=$(date "$date_filename_format") local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ' && _countdown || kill -USR1 "$_process_id") local video_file="$video_directory/$dt.mkv" ffcast -q "$geometry" rec "$video_file" notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved as $video_file" } record_screen_to_mkv() { countdown dt=$(date "$date_filename_format") local video_file="$video_directory/$dt.mkv" ffcast -q rec "$video_file" notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved as $video_file" } get_options() { echo "Capture Region  Clip" echo "Capture Region  File" echo "Capture Screen  Clip" echo "Capture Screen  File" echo "Record Region  File (GIF)" echo "Record Screen  File (GIF)" echo "Record Region  File (MKV)" echo "Record Screen  File (MKV)" } check_deps() { if ! hash $1 2>/dev/null; then echo "Error: This script requires $1" exit 1 fi } _help="Usage: $_script_name [OPTIONS] Launches a Rofi menu for your screenshoting and screencasting needs. Options: -h, --help Prints the help section. --stop Stop if there's an active process. --check Exits successfully if there's an active process. The 'algorithm' for checking is very naive as it checks for a specific name so be sure to check the source code for yourself and update it accordingly. --prompt Prompts if there's an active process. " main() { # check dependencies check_deps slop check_deps ffcast check_deps ffmpeg check_deps xclip check_deps rofi # Parsing the arguments. # Since getopts does not support long options so we'll have to roll our own. while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -h|--help) printf "$_help" && exit 0 ;; --stop) _kill exit $! ;; --check) _check exit $! ;; --prompt) _check && _prompt "There's an active recording process; want to KILL it? :)" "_kill" exit $! esac done # Get choice from Rofi. choice=$( (get_options) | rofi -dmenu -i -fuzzy -p "Screenshot" ) # If user has not picked anything, exit. if [[ -z "${choice// }" ]]; then exit 1 fi # Run the selected command. case $choice in 'Capture Region  Clip') capture_region_to_clipboard ;; 'Capture Region  File') capture_region_to_file ;; 'Capture Screen  Clip') capture_screen_to_clipboard ;; 'Capture Screen  File') capture_screen_to_file ;; 'Record Region  File (GIF)') record_region_to_gif ;; 'Record Screen  File (GIF)') record_screen_to_gif ;; 'Record Region  File (MKV)') record_region_to_mkv ;; 'Record Screen  File (MKV)') record_screen_to_mkv ;; esac } main $1