-- This module should set the appearance-related options. local module = {} local wezterm = require("wezterm") -- This has to be setup outside of this configuration. I don't want to have the -- same code fetching the colors all over various config files. local xdg_data_home = os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") or "~/.local/share" local theme_dir = xdg_data_home .. "/base16/bark-on-a-tree" local light_scheme, light_scheme_metadata = wezterm.color.load_base16_scheme(theme_dir .. "/albino-bark-on-a-tree.yaml") local dark_theme, dark_theme_metadata = wezterm.color.load_base16_scheme(theme_dir .. "/bark-on-a-tree.yaml") local function scheme_for_appearance() -- We're just following the default XDG appearance spec. local scheme = wezterm.gui.get_appearance() if scheme == "Dark" then return dark_theme_metadata.name else return light_scheme_metadata.name end end function module.add_base16_scheme_to_config(path, config) local scheme, metadata = wezterm.color.load_base16_scheme(path) config.color_schemes[metadata.name] = scheme return config end --- Apply the configuration with the given table. -- @param config: the table containing Wezterm configuration. function module.apply_to_config(config) config.color_schemes = {} config.font_size = 16 -- Thankfully, wezterm can detect fontconfig aliases. config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({ "monospace", "Noto Color Emoji", }) -- Desaturate any inactive panes. config.inactive_pane_hsb = { saturation = 0.5, brightness = 0.5, } -- Set with my color schemes. config.color_schemes[dark_theme_metadata.name] = dark_theme config.color_schemes[light_scheme_metadata.name] = light_scheme config.color_scheme = scheme_for_appearance() config.command_palette_fg_color = config.color_schemes[config.color_scheme].foreground config.command_palette_bg_color = config.color_schemes[config.color_scheme].background config.command_palette_font_size = config.font_size -- Disable some annoying mouse thingies. config.hide_mouse_cursor_when_typing = false config.pane_focus_follows_mouse = true -- Disable some more annoyances. config.enable_tab_bar = true config.tab_bar_at_bottom = false config.window_decorations = "NONE" -- Configuring the appearance of the tab bar. config.window_frame = { font = config.font, font_size = config.font_size - 2, } -- Configuring the windows padding. config.window_padding = { left = 0, right = "1cell", top = 0, bottom = 0, } return config end return module