# This is the part that configures the interactive shell. export function git_directory() { git_branch=$(git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null) return "$git_branch" } # Add pywal to the bootup of the interactive shell cat ~/.cache/wal/sequences # The prompt. # This is based from Luke Smith's setup. # https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/voidrice/blob/master/.config/zsh/.zshrc autoload -U colors && colors PS1="%F%(0?.%{$fg[red](T%}.%{$fg[green](F%})) %B%{$fg[magenta]%}%~%{$reset_color%} $%f%b " # Configuring the command history. HISTSIZE=1000 SAVEHIST=1000 HISTFILE=~/.cache/zsh/history # Shell keybindings in Vim mode. # bindkey -v # Keybindings. # create a zkbd compatible hash; # to add other keys to this hash, see: man 5 terminfo typeset -g -A key key[Home]="${terminfo[khome]}" key[End]="${terminfo[kend]}" key[Insert]="${terminfo[kich1]}" key[Backspace]="${terminfo[kbs]}" key[Delete]="${terminfo[kdch1]}" key[Up]="${terminfo[kcuu1]}" key[Down]="${terminfo[kcud1]}" key[Left]="${terminfo[kcub1]}" key[Right]="${terminfo[kcuf1]}" key[PageUp]="${terminfo[kpp]}" key[PageDown]="${terminfo[knp]}" key[ShiftTab]="${terminfo[kcbt]}" # setup key accordingly [[ -n "${key[Home]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Home]}" beginning-of-line [[ -n "${key[End]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[End]}" end-of-line [[ -n "${key[Insert]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Insert]}" overwrite-mode [[ -n "${key[Backspace]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Backspace]}" backward-delete-char [[ -n "${key[Delete]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Delete]}" delete-char [[ -n "${key[Up]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Up]}" up-line-or-history [[ -n "${key[Down]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Down]}" down-line-or-history [[ -n "${key[Left]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Left]}" backward-char [[ -n "${key[Right]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Right]}" forward-char [[ -n "${key[PageUp]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[PageUp]}" beginning-of-buffer-or-history [[ -n "${key[PageDown]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[PageDown]}" end-of-buffer-or-history [[ -n "${key[ShiftTab]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[ShiftTab]}" reverse-menu-complete # Finally, make sure the terminal is in application mode, when zle is # active. Only then are the values from $terminfo valid. if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} && ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then autoload -Uz add-zle-hook-widget function zle_application_mode_start { echoti smkx } function zle_application_mode_stop { echoti rmkx } add-zle-hook-widget -Uz zle-line-init zle_application_mode_start add-zle-hook-widget -Uz zle-line-finish zle_application_mode_stop fi # History searching. autoload -Uz up-line-or-beginning-search down-line-or-beginning-search zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search [[ -n "${key[Up]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Up]}" up-line-or-beginning-search [[ -n "${key[Down]}" ]] && bindkey -- "${key[Down]}" down-line-or-beginning-search # Enable prompts autoload -Uz promptinit promptinit # Loading completion feature. autoload -Uz compinit zstyle ':completion:*' menu select zstyle ':completion::complete:*' gain-prvileges 1 compinit setopt COMPLETE_ALIASES # This block is managed by conda. __conda_setup="$('/home/foo-dogsquared/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval "$__conda_setup" else if [ -f "/home/foo-dogsquared/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then . "/home/foo-dogsquared/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" else export PATH="/home/foo-dogsquared/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" fi fi unset __conda_setup