-- This module should set the appearance-related options. local module = {} local wezterm = require("wezterm") local light_theme = "Albino bark on a tree" local dark_theme = "Bark on a tree" local function scheme_for_appearance() local scheme = wezterm.gui.get_appearance() if scheme == "Dark" then return dark_theme else return light_theme end end local albino_bark_on_a_tree = wezterm.color.load_base16_scheme(os.getenv("HOME") .. "/library/dotfiles/base16/albino-bark-on-a-tree.yaml") local bark_on_a_tree = wezterm.color.load_base16_scheme(os.getenv("HOME") .. "/library/dotfiles/base16/bark-on-a-tree.yaml") --- Apply the configuration with the given table. -- @param config: the table containing Wezterm configuration. function module.apply_to_config(config) config.color_schemes = {} config.color_schemes[light_theme] = albino_bark_on_a_tree config.color_schemes[dark_theme] = bark_on_a_tree config.color_scheme = scheme_for_appearance() return config end return module