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synced 2025-02-14 12:19:00 +00:00
237 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
237 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env oil
# The following are the dependencies for this script.
# * Oil shell v0.8.8
# * coreutils v8.32
# * file 5-32
# * ffmpeg v4.3.1
# * ripgrep v12.1.1
shopt --set strict:all
const show_help = "A small script for splitting files into tracks, perfect for full album releases and audiobooks.
split-album [options...] [\$ALBUM_FILE \$TIMESTAMP_FILE]
-h, --help Show the help section.
--tutorial Show a helpful tutorial-esque description of the program.
-af, --audio-file [file] Set the audio file to be split.
-tf, --timestamp-file [file] Set the timestamp file to be used for splitting.
-t, --title [title] Set the title of the album.
-d, --date [date] Set the publication date of the album.
-a, --author [author] Set the author of the album.
--json Print the JSON data for use with other applications.
--strict Set to be strict, exiting when an invalid timestamp is encountered.
Environment variables:
EXTENSION The extension to be used. This is used in conjunction with FFmpeg
where it can detect the codec to be converted automatically with it.
When any of the required metadata is missing (i.e., title, date, author), it will be prompted.
const show_descriptive_help = "This script splits an album with a timestamp file.
You're always going to see using this script like the following:
The timestamp file contains a starting timestamp (in HH:MM:SS[.MS]) and the title of the chapter/track.
For more information, see https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Seeking.
Lines starting with '#' and empty lines will be ignored.
The following is an example of the content of a timestamp file.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:54 It's the R-rated scene
00:25:43 Boring exposition at the cafe
00:36:54 Expedition time
00:41:51 Fighting time
00:42:22 Shower scene
You can also create a timestamp file in JSON format.
It is the equivalent of the 'chapters' key from the JSON output (i.e., '--json').
The equivalent JSON of the previous example would be this:
\"timestamp\": \"00:00:00\",
\"title\": \"Introduction\"
\"timestamp\": \"00:03:54\",
\"title\": \"It's the R-rated scene\"
\"timestamp\": \"00:25:43\",
\"title\": \"Boring exposition at the cafe\"
\"timestamp\": \"00:36:54\",
\"title\": \"Expedition time\"
\"timestamp\": \"00:41:51\",
\"title\": \"Fighting time\"
\"timestamp\": \"00:42:22\",
\"title\": \"Shower scene\"
There will be a folder created with the safe name of the album (in kebab-case) containing the split tracks.
The original file will be kept, do what you want with it.
const EXTENSION = ${EXTENSION:-"opus"}
var audio_file = ''
var timestamp_file = ''
var album = ''
var author = ''
var pub_date = ''
var prints_json = false
var strict_mode = false
while test $len(ARGV) -gt 0 {
case $[ARGV[0]] {
write -- $show_help
write -- $show_descriptive_help
set audio_file = ARGV[2]
shift 2
set timestamp_file = ARGV[2]
shift 2
set author = ARGV[2]
shift 2
set pub_date = ARGV[2]
shift 2
set album = ARGV[2]
shift 2
set strict_mode = true
set prints_json = true
set audio_file = ARGV[1]
set timestamp_file = ARGV[2]
shift 2
proc warnf(msg, @args) {
>&2 printf "${msg}\\n" @args
proc errorf(msg, @args, exit_code = 1) {
>&2 printf "${msg}\\n" @args
exit ${exit_code}
proc prompt(msg, :out, prefix = ">> ") {
>&2 printf '%s\n%s' $msg $prefix
read --line
setref out = $_line
proc kebab-case(word) {
write -- $word | sed --regexp-extended --expression 's/./\L&/g' --expression 's/\s+/-/g' --expression 's/[^.a-z0-9-]//g' --expression 's/^-+|-+$//g' --expression 's/-+/-/g'
test -f $audio_file || errorf '%s is not a regular file' $audio_file
test -f $timestamp_file || errorf '%s is not a regular file' $timestamp_file
test $album || prompt "What is the title of the album?" :album
test $author || prompt "Who is the author of the album?" :author
test $pub_date || prompt "When is the album published?" :pub_date
const output_data = {}
set output_data['file'] = $audio_file
set output_data['chapters'] = []
set output_data['album'] = $album
set output_data['author'] = $author
set output_data['date'] = $pub_date
set output_data['extension'] = $EXTENSION
const timestamp_regex = / %start digit{2,} ':' digit{2} ':' digit{2} <'.' digit+>? %end /
var has_error = false
case $(file --mime-type --brief $timestamp_file) {
json read :chapters < $timestamp_file
set output_data['chapters'] = chapters
# Also cleans up the timestamp file with comments and empty lines.
# I just want to improve the timestamp format (a little bit).
sed --file $timestamp_file --regexp-extended --expression '/^\s*$/d' --expression '/^#/d' | while read --line {
var chapter = {}
set chapter['title'] = $(write -- $_line | cut -d' ' -f2-)
set chapter['timestamp'] = $(write -- $_line | cut -d' ' -f1)
write -- ${chapter['timestamp']} | rg --quiet $timestamp_regex || {
warnf "'%s' %s is not a valid timestamp" ${chapter['timestamp']} ${chapter['title']}
set has_error = true
_ output_data['chapters'].append(chapter)
if (strict_mode and has_error) { exit 1 }
const title_slug = $(kebab-case $album)
set output_data['directory'] = title_slug
mkdir -p $title_slug
const chapter_len = len(output_data['chapters'])
for index in @(seq $[chapter_len]) {
set chapter = output_data['chapters'][Int(index) - 1]
var start = chapter['timestamp']
var end = output_data['chapters'][Int(index)]['timestamp'] if Int(index) != chapter_len else null
var filename = $(printf "%.2d-%s.%s" $index $(kebab-case ${chapter['title']}) $EXTENSION)
set output_data['chapters'][Int(index) - 1]['file'] = filename
warnf "[%d/%d] %s" ${index} ${chapter_len} ${chapter['title']}
if (Int(index) != chapter_len) {
ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -nostdin -i $audio_file -ss $start -to $end "${title_slug}/${filename}"
} else {
ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -nostdin -i $audio_file -ss $start "${title_slug}/${filename}"
if (prints_json) { json write :output_data }