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58 lines
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Executable File
58 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# A quick script on moving a document with the embedded metadata.
# It uses exiftool for embedding so be sure to have it installed.
# Only needs an argument of a filename to be converted.
# TODO: Create --title (-t) option that automatically skips the title prompt.
# TODO: Create --author (-a) option that automatically skips the author prompt.
# TODO: Create --date (-d) option that automatically skips the date prompt.
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Modern::Perl;
# Create a simple prompt returning with the given answer.
sub prompt {
my ($msg) = @_;
say $msg;
print ">> ";
return <STDIN>;
# This implementation of kebab-case conversion is opinionated.
# It converts into lowercase and removes all non-alphanumeric characters.
sub kebab_case {
my ($string) = @_;
# Convert into lowercase.
$string = lc($string);
# Substitute all spaces and extra dashes as one dash.
$string =~ s/\s+|-+/-/g;
# Remove all invalid characters.
$string =~ s/[^a-z0-9-]//g;
# Remove all leading and trailing dashes.
$string =~ s/^-+|-+$//g;
return $string;
my $file = $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : exit 1;
# Prompt for all the required information.
my $title = prompt "Title of the document?";
my $author = prompt "Author?";
my $publication_date = prompt "Publication date?";
# Overwrite the file metadata.
system "exiftool -title=\"${title}\" -author=\"${author}\" -date=\"${publication_date}\" \"$file\"";
# Once the file metadata has been written, it is time to move the file into its kebab-case equivalent.
my ($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($file, '\.[^.]+$');
my $file_slug = $dirs . kebab_case($title) . $suffix;
move($file, $file_slug);