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synced 2025-02-07 06:18:59 +00:00
![Gabriel Arazas](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
It's been a while but I've been using NixOS (or anything styled like it like GuixSD, for example) and distro-hopped from Arch Linux. I think it's high noon for making the structure of this setup to be truer to one of the big objectives which is how easy to transfer this between different setups. Which means I removed some things such as the package lists, systemd config files, and package manager-specific configs. While the solution is easy (which is to simply ignore the system-specific files) but I'm not going with the pragmatic solution not because I'm a dumbass but because I'm so smart that I want to create a challenge for myself to solve a puzzle on figuring out a way on how to structure my dotfiles. :) Such a productive use of my time, that's for sure.
330 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File
330 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a fork of rofi-screenshot (original at https://github.com/ceuk/rofi-screenshot/), basically a menu for all of your screenshoting and screencasting needs using rofi as the frontend.
# This script is meant to be modified for your specific need so feel free to do that.
# Btw, this script also uses its own Rofi theme so be sure to update it accordingly.
readonly _script_name=$(basename $0)
readonly _record_process_name='(/\S+)*ffmpeg\s.*\sx11grab\s.*'
readonly _process_id="$$"
readonly screenshot_directory="$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshots"
readonly screenshot_msg_header="Screenshot"
readonly video_directory="$(xdg-user-dir VIDEOS)/recordings"
readonly video_msg_header="Screencast"
readonly date_filename_format="+%F-%H-%M-%S"
# Exit the script on USR1 signal.
# This is useful for exiting out of the whole script even in subshells.
trap 'notify-send "rofi-screenshot-menu has exited" && exit 1' 10
# Setting the default command for ffmpeg.
ffmpeg() {
command ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -nostdin "$@"
# Set the default command for rofi.
rofi() {
command rofi -theme themes/fds-center-menu "$@" || kill -USR1 "$_process_id"
# Set the default command for slop.
slop() {
command slop "$@" || kill -USR1 "$_process_id"
# Convert a video to GIF.
# $1 - The input file.
# $2 - The output file.
video_to_gif() {
local input="$1"
local output="$2"
ffmpeg -i "$input" -vf palettegen -f image2 -c:v png - |
ffmpeg -i "$input" -i - -filter_complex paletteuse "$output"
# Create a countdown with desktop notifications.
# $1 - The duration of the countdown.
# $2 - The header of the notification.
_countdown() {
local counter="$((${1:-3}))"
local msg="${2:-Countdown}"
while [[ $counter -ne 0 ]]; do
notify-send "$msg" "Countdown in $counter seconds" --expire-time 1000
sleep 1
counter=$((counter - 1))
# Check for the recording process.
_check() {
pgrep --full --exact --newest "$_record_process_name" 1>/dev/null
# Kill the recording process.
_kill() {
pkill --full --exact --newest "$_record_process_name"
# Most of the functions here have helpful documentations like the following function.
# Pretty handy, eh?
# Capture region to clipboard.
# $1 - Delay (in seconds) before screenshot.
# If it's >=0, there's no countdown (obviously).
capture_region_to_clipboard() {
notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Select a region to capture"
local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ')
local delay=${1:-0}
if [ $delay -gt 0 ]; then
_countdown $delay "Screenshot"
ffcast -q "$geometry" png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png
xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png && \
notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Region copied to clipboard"
rm /tmp/screenshot_clip.png
# Capture region to file.
# $1 - Delay (in seconds) before screenshot.
# If the argument is set >=0, there's no countdown.
capture_region_to_file() {
notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Select a region to capture"
dt=$(date "$date_filename_format")
local image_file="$screenshot_directory/$dt.png"
local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ')
local delay=${1:-0}
if [ $delay -gt 0 ]; then
_countdown $delay "Screenshot"
ffcast -q "$geometry" png "$image_file"
notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Region saved as $image_file"
# Capture screen to clipboard.
# Since delaying a screen capture is pretty easy, there's no delay option.
# Just make one of your own, please.
capture_screen_to_clipboard() {
ffcast -q png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png
xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png /tmp/screenshot_clip.png
rm /tmp/screenshot_clip.png
notify-send "$screenshot_msg_header" "Screenshot copied to clipboard"
# Capture screen to file.
# (See, I have written very helpful comments like this one.)
capture_screen_to_file() {
dt=$(date "$date_filename_format")
local image_file="$screenshot_directory/$dt.png"
ffcast -q png "$image_file"
notify-send "Screenshot" "Screenshot saved as $image_file"
# Record region to GIF.
# $1 - Delay (in seconds) before recording.
record_region_to_gif() {
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Select a region to record"
dt=$(date "$date_filename_format")
local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ' && _countdown)
local delay=${1:-0}
if [ $delay -gt 0 ]; then
_countdown $delay "Screencast"
ffcast -q rec /tmp/screenshot_gif.mkv
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Converting to gif... (this can take a while)"
local recording_file="$video_directory/$dt.gif"
video_to_gif /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 $recording_file
rm /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved as $recording_file"
record_screen_to_gif() {
dt=$(date "$date_filename_format")
ffcast -q rec /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Converting to GIF... (this can take a while)"
local recording_file="$video_directory/$dt.gif"
video_to_gif /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4 "$screenshot_directory/$dt.gif"
rm /tmp/screenshot_gif.mp4
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved to $screenshot_directory"
# Record region to MKV.
# $1 - Delay (in seconds) before recording.
record_region_to_mkv() {
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Select a region to record"
dt=$(date "$date_filename_format")
local delay=${1:-0}
if [ $delay -ge 0 ]; then
_countdown $delay "Screencast"
local geometry=$(slop -n -f '-g %g ' && _countdown)
local video_file="$video_directory/$dt.mkv"
ffcast -q "$geometry" rec "$video_file"
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved as $video_file"
record_screen_to_mkv() {
dt=$(date "$date_filename_format")
local video_file="$video_directory/$dt.mkv"
ffcast -q rec "$video_file"
notify-send "$video_msg_header" "Recording saved as $video_file"
get_options() {
echo "Capture Region --> Clip"
echo "Capture Region --> File"
echo "Capture Screen --> Clip"
echo "Capture Screen --> File"
echo "Record Region --> File (GIF)"
echo "Record Screen --> File (GIF)"
echo "Record Region --> File (MKV)"
echo "Record Screen --> File (MKV)"
# Checks if the shell has the following binary in $PATH through the `hash` builtin.
# $1 - The utility to look for.
check_deps() {
if ! hash $1 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: This script requires $1"
exit 1
# The help string.
_help="Usage: $_script_name [OPTIONS]
Launches a Rofi menu for your screenshoting and screencasting needs.
-h, --help Prints the help section.
--stop Stop if there's an active process (e.g., a recording).
--check Exits successfully if there's an active process.
The 'algorithm' for checking is very naive as it
checks for a specific name so be sure to check the
source code for yourself and update it accordingly.
main() {
# Check dependencies.
check_deps slop
check_deps ffcast
check_deps ffmpeg
check_deps xclip
check_deps rofi
# Parsing the arguments.
# Since getopts does not support long options so we'll have to roll our own.
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]];
case $1 in
printf "$_help" && exit 0
exit $!
exit $!
# Get choice from Rofi.
choice=$( (get_options) | rofi -dmenu -i -fuzzy -p "Screenshot and screencast options" )
# If user has not picked anything, exit.
if [[ -z "${choice// }" ]]; then
exit 1
# Run the selected command.
case $choice in
'Capture Region --> Clip')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
capture_region_to_clipboard $delay
'Capture Screen --> Clip')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
capture_screen_to_clipboard $delay
'Capture Region --> File')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
capture_region_to_file $delay
'Capture Screen --> File')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
_countdown $delay
'Record Region --> File (GIF)')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
record_region_to_gif $delay
'Record Screen --> File (GIF)')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
_countdown $delay
'Record Region --> File (MKV)')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
record_region_to_mkv $delay
'Record Screen --> File (MKV)')
delay=$(rofi -dmenu -p "How many seconds for delay?")
_countdown $delay
main $1