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synced 2025-01-31 04:57:57 +00:00
The documentation for it has been updated, wal templates are also updated, and certain scripts has been revised to be easily understood. This may be my stop for the whole year. I'm pretty content with this one.
306 lines
5.5 KiB
306 lines
5.5 KiB
0ad a23.1-8
0ad-data a23.1-1
adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts 3.006-1
adobe-source-serif-pro-fonts 3.001-1
alacritty 0.4.2-2
alex 3.2.5-8
alsa-plugins 1.2.2-1
alsa-utils 1.2.2-1
amd-ucode 20200421.78c0348-1
anki 2.1.15-1
apache 2.4.43-1
arandr 0.1.10-4
arc-gtk-theme 20190917-1
arc-icon-theme 20161122-2
arch-audit 0.1.15-1
archiso 43-1
archlinux-contrib 20190911-1
ardour 5.12-14
asciidoctor 2.0.10-2
audacious 4.0.3-1
audacity 1:2.3.3-2
autoconf 2.69-7
automake 1.16.2-1
base 2-2
bash 5.0.016-1
bat 0.13.0-1
binutils 2.34-2
bison 3.5.4-1
blender 17:2.82.a-3
breeze-icons 5.69.0-1
bspwm 0.9.9-1
bzip2 1.0.8-3
cadence 0.9.1-2
carla 2.1-1
chromium 81.0.4044.129-1
clang 10.0.0-2
code 1.44.2-1
coreutils 8.32-1
cowsay 3.04-1
cronie 1.5.5-1
cryptsetup 2.3.2-1
device-mapper 2.02.187-1
dhall 1.31.1-17
dhall-json 1.6.3-21
dhcpcd 9.0.2-1
diffutils 3.7-3
dmenu 4.9-1
docker 1:19.03.8-2
docker-compose 1.25.5-1
dunst 1.4.1-1
e2fsprogs 1.45.6-1
editorconfig-core-c 0.12.3-1
efibootmgr 17-1
emacs 26.3-1
entr 4.4-1
erlang 22.2.7-1
espeak 1:1.48.04-2
exa 0.9.0-1
fakeroot 1.24-2
fd 8.0.0-1
feh 3.4-1
file 5.38-3
filesystem 2019.10-2
findutils 4.7.0-2
firefox 75.0-2
firefox-developer-edition 76.0b8-1
flex 2.6.4-3
freeglut 3.2.1-1
fzf 0.21.1-1
gawk 5.1.0-1
gcc 9.3.0-1
gcc-libs 9.3.0-1
gdb 9.1-2
gettext 0.20.2-1
ghc 8.10.1-2
gimp 2.10.18-6
gimp-help-en 2.10.0-1
git 2.26.2-1
glava 1.6.3-1
glibc 2.31-2
gnu-netcat 0.7.1-7
go 2:1.14.2-1
gource 0.51-3
graphviz 2.44.0-1
grep 3.4-1
groff 1.22.4-3
gucharmap 13.0.0-1
gvfs 1.44.1-1
gzip 1.10-3
happy 1.19.12-7
hexyl 0.7.0-1
htop 2.2.0-3
hugo 0.69.2-1
i3-gaps 4.18.1-1
i3blocks 1.5-3
i3status 2.13-2
inetutils 1.9.4-8
inkscape 0.92.5-1
iproute2 5.6.0-1
iputils 20190709-2
jack2 1.9.14-1
jdk-openjdk 13.0.2.u8-1
jfsutils 1.1.15-7
jq 1.6-2
jre-openjdk 13.0.2.u8-1
keybase 5.4.2-1
kicad 5.1.5-2
kicad-library 5.1.5-1
krita 4.2.9-2
less 551-3
libtool 2.4.6+42+gb88cebd5-11
licenses 20200427-1
linux 5.6.8.arch1-1
linux-firmware 20200421.78c0348-1
lldb 10.0.0-2
llvm 10.0.0-1
lmms 1.2.1-3
logrotate 3.16.0-1
lolcat 100.0.0-2
lvm2 2.02.187-1
lxappearance 0.6.3-2
lxsession 1:0.5.5-1
m4 1.4.18-3
maim 5.6.3-1
make 4.3-3
man-db 2.9.1-2
man-pages 5.06-2
mdadm 4.1-2
mediawiki 1.34.1-1
moreutils 0.63-1
mpg123 1.25.13-1
mpv 1:0.32.0-4
musescore 3.4.2-1
musl 1.2.0-1
nano 4.9.2-1
ncmpcpp 0.8.2-11
neofetch 7.0.0-1
neovim 0.4.3-3
netctl 1.22-1
networkmanager 1.22.11dev+36+g6abf71f05-1
nnn 3.1-1
nodejs 14.1.0-1
nodejs-material-design-icons 3.0.1-2
noto-fonts 20190926-4
noto-fonts-emoji 20191016-6
npm 6.14.4-1
ntfs-3g 2017.3.23-4
obs-studio 25.0.8-1
octave 5.2.0-2
otf-latin-modern 2.004-3
otf-latinmodern-math 1.959-3
p7zip 16.02-5
pacman 5.2.1-4
pacman-contrib 1.3.0-1
pamixer 1.4-3
patch 2.7.6-8
pavucontrol 1:4.0-1
pciutils 3.6.4-1
perl 5.30.2-1
php 7.4.5-1
picom 7.5-3
pkgconf 1.6.3-4
processing 3.5.4-1
procps-ng 3.3.16-1
psmisc 23.3-2
pstoedit 3.75-1
pulseaudio 13.0-3
pulseaudio-alsa 2-5
pulseaudio-jack 13.0-3
pulsemixer 1.5.0-2
pv 1.6.6-2
python-pip 20.0.2-1
python-pynvim 0.4.1-1
python-pywal 3.3.0-2
python2-scour 0.37-4
qbittorrent 4.2.5-1
qrencode 4.0.2-1
qt5-script 5.14.2-1
r 4.0.0-1
racket 7.5-2
reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-3
rofi 1.5.4-1
ruby 2.7.1-2
ruby-rouge 3.14.0-2
s-nail 14.9.19-1
scrot 1.2-1
sed 4.8-1
shadow 4.8.1-1
shotcut 20.04.12-1
sonic-pi 3.2.2-1
soundfont-fluid 3.1-2
sox 14.4.2-5
stow 2.3.1-2
strace 5.6-1
sudo 1.8.31.p1-1
sxhkd 0.6.1-1
sxiv 26-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-11
systemd 245.5-2
systemd-sysvcompat 245.5-2
tabbed 0.6-3
tar 1.32-3
telegram-desktop 2.1.0-1
tesseract 4.1.1-1
tesseract-data-eng 1:4.0.0-1
texinfo 6.7-3
texlive-bibtexextra 2019.52577-1
texlive-core 2019.52579-1
texlive-fontsextra 2019.52580-1
texlive-formatsextra 2019.51280-1
texlive-latexextra 2019.52575-1
texlive-pictures 2019.52499-1
texlive-science 2019.52582-1
thunar 1.8.14-1
thunar-volman 0.9.5-2
thunderbird 68.7.0-1
timidity++ 2.15.0-2
tmux 3.1_a-1
tree 1.8.0-2
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-12
ttf-dejavu 2.37-2
ttf-fira-code 3.1-1
ttf-font-awesome 5.13.0-1
ttf-ibm-plex 4.0.2-2
ttf-jetbrains-mono 1.0.5-1
ttf-joypixels 5.5.0-3
ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols 2.1.0+36+gd0bf73a1-2
udiskie 2.1.1-1
upx 3.96-2
usbutils 012-2
util-linux 2.35.1-2
vagrant 2.2.7-5
vi 1:070224-4
vim 8.2.0510-2
vlc 3.0.10-1
weechat 2.8-2
wget 1.20.3-2
which 2.21-5
xautomation 1.09-3
xclip 0.13-2
xdg-user-dirs 0.17-2
xdotool 3.20160805.1-2
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.16-1
xf86-video-vesa 2.4.0-2
xfsprogs 5.6.0-1
xorg-bdftopcf 1.1-1
xorg-docs 1.7.1-2
xorg-font-util 1.3.2-1
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.3-4
xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.3-4
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.5-1
xorg-iceauth 1.0.8-1
xorg-luit 1.1.1-3
xorg-mkfontscale 1.2.1-2
xorg-server 1.20.8-1
xorg-server-common 1.20.8-1
xorg-server-devel 1.20.8-1
xorg-server-xephyr 1.20.8-1
xorg-server-xnest 1.20.8-1
xorg-server-xvfb 1.20.8-1
xorg-server-xwayland 1.20.8-1
xorg-sessreg 1.1.2-1
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.2-1
xorg-smproxy 1.0.6-2
xorg-x11perf 1.6.1-1
xorg-xauth 1.1-1
xorg-xbacklight 1.2.3-1
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.5-2
xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.7-1
xorg-xdpyinfo 1.3.2-3
xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.6-1
xorg-xev 1.2.3-1
xorg-xgamma 1.0.6-2
xorg-xhost 1.0.8-1
xorg-xinit 1.4.1-1
xorg-xinput 1.6.3-1
xorg-xkbcomp 1.4.3-1
xorg-xkbevd 1.1.4-2
xorg-xkbutils 1.0.4-3
xorg-xkill 1.0.5-1
xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.3-1
xorg-xlsclients 1.1.4-1
xorg-xmodmap 1.0.10-1
xorg-xpr 1.0.5-1
xorg-xprop 1.2.4-1
xorg-xrandr 1.5.1-1
xorg-xrdb 1.2.0-1
xorg-xrefresh 1.0.6-1
xorg-xset 1.2.4-1
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.2-1
xorg-xvinfo 1.1.4-1
xorg-xwd 1.0.7-1
xorg-xwininfo 1.1.5-1
xorg-xwud 1.0.5-1
youtube-dl 2020.03.24-1
zathura 0.4.5-1
zathura-pdf-mupdf 0.3.5-3
zsh 5.8-1
zsh-completions 0.31.0-1