It's a Hugo theme that focuses on being contentful by having the most minimal format as much as possible maintaining readability and easy on the eyes, using modern web standards and features in this day and age.
It also aims to be easy to extend and modify to implement the feature that you want.
Primarily tested on Chromium-based and Firefox-based web browsers.
To try the theme out, just execute Hugo using the theme like in the following command.
hugo server --theme contentful
If you're decided to use this theme and don't want to bother using the `--theme` option, just set it in your [site configuration]( and you're done!
## Configuration
The theme tries to use as little custom parameters as possible.
Thus, it would be pointless if I lay them all out since they're already explained from [the official documentation](
Instead, I decided to create an example configuration for you to explore.
The following example assumes you're using a TOML (`config.toml`).
# Enable table of content generation (only valid for Markdown files to be parsed by Hugo's built-in parsers).
toc = true
As for custom frontmatter for individual pages, Contentful checks the following keys:
*`author` field based from the [site `author` field](
It could be handy for guest posts and co-authored papers with others.
*`toc` field which only requires a boolean and overrides the global `toc` setting for that page.
The theme was made to be easy to modify (thus extend).
But first, a preview of the core file structure of the project that you'll surely some attention in the future:
├── content/
├── i18n/
├── layouts/
├── static/
├── CHANGELOG.adoc*
This is simply the [Hugo's directory structure](
If you're already familiar with this, it shouldn't be a problem.
If you want to store CSS and JavaScript files, it is preferred to store them in `static/` folder.
To edit the site CSS, simply copy the stylesheet located in `theme/contentful/static/css/main.css` to your own static folder (with the same folder structure) and override it with your own modifications.
If your own modification has gone to an extent where maintaining a single CSS file is reminiscent of r
The next folder you most likely want to pay attention is the `layouts/` directory where all of the well, layouts are stored.
There are some things that are already figured out for you such as the templates for RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds.
You can easily add in your own, if you want.
Some things you may want to be customized are the [404 page](./layouts/404.html), [`<head>` for your own scripts](./layouts/partials/head.html), [header](./layouts/partials/header.html), and the [footer](./layouts/partials/footer.html).
## RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds
You can have web syndication formats like RSS and Atom by setting [custom output formats]( to your site configurations.
The theme supports output feeds for the homepage and site sections.
Here is an example configuration on enabling all of them.
[Multiple languages]( for your site is supported.
You can simply organize your content as described on [this blog post](
The theme requires a language code based from [IANA Language Subtag Registry]( as defined from the [W3 documentation](
As of 2019-09-21, only English and Tagalog is supported.
Contributions through translations are appreciated.