= Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/[Keep a Changelog], and this project adheres to https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html[Semantic Versioning]. == [2.0.0] - 2020-10-24 === Changed * Change the CSS linking with https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/introduction/[Hugo Pipes], moving it into the assets folder. * Improve the pagination partial. ** It has been modularized and refactored for easier development when extending the theme. ** The appearance has been revamped to be more intuitive. ** Replaces with numbers instead of the horrible phrases (which I didn't realize is horrible) so the i18n options for those are also gone. ** The pagination is also smarter when applying the ellipses, making sure to only skip if the difference between pages is more than one. * Improve the web accessibility of the site. For future reference, refer to the https://html.spec.whatwg.org/[HTML spec] and https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/[ARIA specs and practices]. ** Starting with the pagination, `rel` attributes have been added. ** The content template (`layouts/_default/single.html`) has been updated with the appropriate semantic elements. ** Apparently, the `<date>` element is non-existent (as of 2020-10-24) and replaced with the https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/time[`<time>`] element. * Update the documentation with additional installations with Hugo Module. === Removed * Web feed templates as they have been moved into its https://github.com/foo-dogsquared/hugo-web-feeds[own theme component]. The removal of the web feed templates marks this update as a breaking change (I think). * In effect to the removal of the feed templates, `$.Site.Params.feedLimit` is also removed. But really, I removed it because I recognized https://gohugo.io/templates/rss/#configure-rss[it is a built-in option] in Hugo with `$.Site.Config.Services.RSS.Limit`. * The recipe section in the README as it is getting too big and also I would argue it should be in its own folder or something. For now, I'll be putting them in the demo branch as its own section which is better for first-time users. === Fixed * Relative links for multilingual mode. * Table of contents have conditional rendering made possible with simple CSS (surprisingly). == [1.2.0] - 2020-05-12 === Added * Create a dedicated section for recipes of features in the documentation. * Add some appropriate `<meta>` tags. * Add https://dev.twitter.com/cards[Twitter cards] https://opengraphprotocol.org/[Open Graph protocol] with Hugo's internal templates. * Add `hidden` as a frontmatter option in the page. This will exclude the page from list templates including the homepage and the theme's web feeds. === Changed * Tweak the appearance of the site a little bit. The CSS is also improved especially with relative units for consistent margin and padding. * Improve the web feeds template. == [1.1.0] - 2020-05-09 === Added * Create a theme toggle. It also [detects with CSS if the user prefers a dark scheme](https://css-tricks.com/dark-modes-with-css/). * Add a modified date (although requires `.GitInfo` to work which requires a Git-enabled repository). * Add `toc` to as site and page configuration. The page config has more priority and can override the site config. === Changed * Update the site to conform with accessibility features. ** Add a `aria-label` for list entries. ** Make the theme screen-reader-friendly with the correct use of [content semantic tags](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element). ** Revise the color of the links. ** Use viewport units for dynamic font sizes. * Improve the vertical rhythm of the site. == [1.0.0] - 2019-09-21 === Added * Create the base layout. * Add the Asciidoctor content template. * Create the template for RSS, Atom, and JSON web syndication feeds. * Implement multilingual mode support.