--- title: "RSS, Atom, and JSON Feed Support" date: 2019-09-04T17:22:44+08:00 author: [ { name: "John Doe" }, { name: "Jane Doe" } ] aliases: - "/feeds/" categories: - "guide" tags: - "this is a test tag" - "tag2" --- = RSS, Atom, and JSON Feed Support John Dodo 2019-09-04 :stem: latexmath This theme supports RSS, Atom, and JSON feed output for more ways of publishing web content for your visitors. It is also suitable for reading content from feed readers. Here are the following documents used as references for the creation of the output feed templates. * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287[Atom 1.0 - IETF RFC4287] * https://jsonfeed.org/version/1[JSON Feed version 1 specifications] * https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html[RSS 2.0 specifications] In this demo, it is enabled and you should be able to see them through the following links: * **RSS**: `$HUGO_URL/index.rss` * **Atom**: `$HUGO_URL/index.atom` * **JSON**: `$HUGO_URL/index.json` For enabling output feeds, utilize the https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats[output formats] in your site configuration. If you're settling with this option, here's an example template for enabling all of the feed formats. [source,toml] ---- # Visit the following for more information: # https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats # Defining the media type of the output formats # For JSON format, it doesn't need to be since it's already built-in into Hugo [mediaTypes] [mediaTypes."application/atom+xml"] suffixes = ["atom", "atom.xml"] # You can remove the "atom.xml" if you want # Redefining RSS media type for the additional suffix [mediaTypes."application/rss+xml"] suffixes = ["rss", "rss.xml"] # You can remove the "rss.xml" if you want # Including all of the feed output formats in the build [outputFormats] [outputFormats.Rss] mediaType = "application/rss+xml" baseName = "feed" [outputFormats.Atom] mediaType = "application/atom+xml" baseName = "feed" [outputFormats.Json] mediaType = "application/json" baseName = "feed" # Indicating what output formats shall be included # for the following kinds [outputs] # .Site.BaseURL/index.* is available home = ["HTML", "JSON", "RSS", "ATOM"] # .Site.BaseURL/$section/index.* is available section = ["HTML", "JSON", "RSS", "ATOM"] ----