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<head><title>Customizing your head | More Contentful</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Lets start with the most basic and perhaps most useful customization: modifying the &lt;head&gt;. This is useful for adding your own CSS and JavaScript files, changing certain metadata, or adding icons.
First, copy the head partial from the theme (theme/contentful/layouts/partials/head.html) to your own (layouts/partials/head.html). Were simply taking advantage of Hugos lookup order where weve override the head partial with our own copy.
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="Lets start with the most basic and perhaps most useful customization: modifying the &lt;head&gt;. This is useful for adding your own CSS and JavaScript files, changing certain metadata, or adding icons.
First, copy the head partial from the theme (theme/contentful/layouts/partials/head.html) to your own (layouts/partials/head.html). Were simply taking advantage of Hugos lookup order where weve override the head partial with our own copy.
Then, feel free to add your own (or others&#39;) scripts and stylesheets, icons and other metadata, or whatever suitable things."/>
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<meta property="og:description" content="Lets start with the most basic and perhaps most useful customization: modifying the &lt;head&gt;. This is useful for adding your own CSS and JavaScript files, changing certain metadata, or adding icons.
First, copy the head partial from the theme (theme/contentful/layouts/partials/head.html) to your own (layouts/partials/head.html). Were simply taking advantage of Hugos lookup order where weve override the head partial with our own copy.
Then, feel free to add your own (or others&#39;) scripts and stylesheets, icons and other metadata, or whatever suitable things." />
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<meta itemprop="description" content="Lets start with the most basic and perhaps most useful customization: modifying the &lt;head&gt;. This is useful for adding your own CSS and JavaScript files, changing certain metadata, or adding icons.
First, copy the head partial from the theme (theme/contentful/layouts/partials/head.html) to your own (layouts/partials/head.html). Were simply taking advantage of Hugos lookup order where weve override the head partial with our own copy.
Then, feel free to add your own (or others&#39;) scripts and stylesheets, icons and other metadata, or whatever suitable things."><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2020-10-20T20:29:42+08:00" />
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<h1>Customizing your head</h1>
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<time datetime="2020-10-20T20:29:42&#43;08:00" title="Created" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">
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<time datetime="2023-02-24T21:30:33&#43;08:00" title="Updated" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">
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<p>Lets start with the most basic and perhaps most useful customization: modifying the <code>&lt;head</code>&gt;.
This is useful for adding your own CSS and JavaScript files, changing certain metadata, or adding icons.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>First, copy the <code>head</code> partial from the theme (<code>theme/contentful/layouts/partials/head.html</code>) to your own (<code>layouts/partials/head.html</code>).
Were simply taking advantage of <a href="">Hugos lookup order</a> where weve override the <code>head</code> partial with our own copy.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Then, feel free to add your own (or others&#39;) scripts and stylesheets, <a href="">icons and other metadata</a>, or whatever suitable things.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>In my case, I often use certain JavaScript libraries like <a href="">MathJax</a> for mathematical typesetting, <a href="">Prism</a> for syntax highlighting, and <a href="">medium-zoom</a> for interactive image zooms.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Heres the modified code.
(The example code is snipped for brevity.)</p>
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<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-go" data-lang="go">&lt;!--snip--&gt;
{{- /* MathJax */ -}}
&lt;script src=&#34;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script id=&#34;MathJax-script&#34; defer src=&#34;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
{{- /* Prism.js */ -}}
&lt;link rel=&#34;stylesheet&#34; href=&#34;; type=&#34;text/css&#34;&gt;
&lt;script defer src=&#34;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script defer src=&#34;;&gt;
&lt;script defer src=&#34;;&gt;
{{- /* medium-zoom */ -}}
&lt;script defer src=&#34;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script&gt;window.addEventListener(&#39;load&#39;, () =&gt; mediumZoom(&#39;article img&#39;, { &#39;background&#39;: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)&#39; }))&lt;/script&gt;</code></pre>
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<p>Since most of the JavaScript libraries used here are not really a requirement (except for MathJax for mathematical typesetting), Ive set them to be loaded at the end of the page loading with <a href=""><code>defer</code> attribute</a>.
If you have an inline script, you can simply wrap it in an event listener for page loading (<code>window.addEventListener(&#34;load&#34;, your_function_goes_here)</code>).</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>If you want document-specific libraries, you have to pass some raw HTML through the parser of the document.
For Goldmark, the default Markdown parser starting <a href="">Hugo v0.60.0</a>, blocks raw HTML by default and you can disable it by setting <code>markup.goldmark.renderer.unsafe</code> to <code>true</code>.</p>
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<p>For Blackfriday, it parses even the raw HTML just fine.
Though, you have to set it as the default Markdown parser.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>For <a href="">Asciidoctor</a>, you can use <a href="">passthroughs</a> to get raw HTML through.</p>
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<p data-content-publication-date="2020-10-20T20:29:42&#43;08:00">Created: <time datetime="2020-10-20T20:29:42&#43;08:00">2020-10-20</time></p>
<p data-content-modification-date="2023-02-24T21:30:33&#43;08:00">Updated: <time datetime="2023-02-24T21:30:33&#43;08:00">2023-02-24</time></p>
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