{{/* This is a site-specific styling that have to be generated. */}} article > main { /* Select all links that are external. In this case, we'll just exclude all links that are... - All internal anchors. - All links that points to a relative path. - All origin-relative URLs. Also, all links that are explicitly marked as external are obviously considered. */ a[href]:not(:where( a[href^="#"], a[href^="./"], a[href^="../"], a[href^="/"]:not(a[href^="//"]), ))::after, a[rel~="external"]::after { color: var(--base05); font-size: 0.50em; content: " [🡕]"; vertical-align: super; } /* Internal links are not to be styled. */ {{- $baseURL := urls.Parse $.Site.BaseURL }} a[href]:where( a[href^="http://{{- $baseURL.Host -}}"], a[href^="https://{{- $baseURL.Host -}}"], a[href$="{{- $baseURL.Host -}}"], a[href$="{{- $baseURL.Host -}}/"], a[href^="{{- $.Site.BaseURL -}}"], )::after { content: unset; } }