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synced 2025-03-14 18:19:02 +00:00

The Hugo theme will also generate a counterpart system theme if there's only one system theme given. Though, it isn't perfect so the release will not happen for a while. I'll look into generating a color palette with HSLuv to see if it can be improved.
111 lines
4.2 KiB
111 lines
4.2 KiB
{{ $data := newScratch }}
@use "sass:color";
Create an automatic way of generating system color schemes, if set by the user.
* If either only one is set, generate an appropriate color scheme with the given color scheme.
For example, if there is only a given dark theme, the theme will generate a light color scheme.
* If given neither, go with the fallback themes.
{{ $themes := (index $.Site.Data "more-contentful").themes }}
{{ $hasLight := $themes._light }}
{{ $hasDark := $themes._dark }}
{{ $hasSystemTheme := or $hasLight $hasDark }}
Take note how the other half get its colors. It's not exactly a color
string but it is a SASS expression to be evaluated and put into string
interpolation in SASS.
{{ if (and $hasLight (not $hasDark)) }}
{{- warnf "No given dark theme. Generating one from the light theme..." }}
{{ $darkTheme := dict
"scheme" (printf "%s (light)" $hasLight.scheme)
"base00" $hasLight.base07
"base01" $hasLight.base06
"base02" $hasLight.base05
"base03" $hasLight.base04
"base04" $hasLight.base03
"base05" $hasLight.base02
"base06" $hasLight.base01
"base07" $hasLight.base00
"base08" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base08 ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base09" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base09 ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0A" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base0A ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0B" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base0B ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0C" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base0C ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0D" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base0D ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0E" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base0E ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0F" (print "{lighten(saturate(#" $hasLight.base0F ", 10%), 15%)}")
{{ $themes = merge $themes (dict "_dark" $darkTheme) }}
{{ else if (and $hasDark (not $hasLight)) }}
{{- warnf "No given light theme. Generating one from the dark theme..." }}
{{ $lightTheme := dict
"scheme" (printf "%s (light)" $hasDark.scheme)
"base00" $hasDark.base07
"base01" $hasDark.base06
"base02" $hasDark.base05
"base03" $hasDark.base04
"base04" $hasDark.base03
"base05" $hasDark.base02
"base06" $hasDark.base01
"base07" $hasDark.base00
"base08" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base08 ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base09" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base09 ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0A" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base0A ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0B" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base0B ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0C" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base0C ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0D" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base0D ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0E" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base0E ", 10%), 15%)}")
"base0F" (print "{darken(saturate(#" $hasDark.base0F ", 10%), 15%)}")
{{ $themes = merge $themes (dict "_light" $lightTheme) }}
{{ else if not $hasSystemTheme }}
{{ $systemThemes := dict
"_dark" $themes._dark_fallback
"_light" $themes._light_fallback
{{ $themes = merge $systemThemes $themes }}
{{ end }}
{{- range $name, $scheme := $themes }}
// This is a template for a colorscheme based from a Base16 data file from
// https://github.com/chriskempson/base16.
@mixin createColorScheme {
{{- range $i := seq 0 15 }}
{{- $hex := upper (printf "%02x" $i) }}
{{- $key := printf "base%s" $hex }}
// TODO: Make a better way to interpolate the color strings.
{{/* We're just taking advantage the fact that the SASS color functions
returns the colors in the same format we needed. */}}
{{- $color := printf "#%s" (index $scheme $key) }}
--{{ $key }}: {{ $color }};
{{- end }}
{{- if (or (eq $name "_light_fallback") (eq $name "_dark_fallback")) }}
{{ continue }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $name "_light" }}
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
:root {
@include createColorScheme
{{- else if eq $name "_dark" }}
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
@include createColorScheme
{{- end }}
[data-theme="{{ .scheme }}"]:root {
@include createColorScheme;
{{- end }}