Then, you could use parts of the config as exported from my flake which you can refer back to xref:../02-lay-of-the-land/03-whats-in-my-flake/index.adoc[What's in my flake?].
If you're going to use my stuff, why don't take a gander and try my non-personal parts of the configuration such as my github:{github-repo}[NixOS modules, path=./modules/nixos/, rev=master] and github:{github-repo}[home-manager modules, path=./modules/home-manager/, rev=master]?
In that case, you can simply plop them into your list of imports for your NixOS configuration like so.
# Use my GNOME desktop configuration for some reason.
workflows.workflows.a-happy-gnome.enable = true;
== With channels
The traditional way of managing stuff with link:[channels].
Though, I have made some efforts to make it easy to use without flakes, I cannot guarantee it's good compared to using it with flakes.
WARNING: You cannot install my NixOS configurations at all with channels so there's another reason why (whether is valid or not is completely up to you).
To start, as root, you have to add my project into the channels list...
# Still using my GNOME desktop configuration for some reason.
workflows.workflows.a-happy-gnome.enable = true;
== With manual fetching
If you really don't want to manage stuff with channels or with flakes for some reason, I suppose you can just use something like github:nmattia/niv/[niv].
You could also pin my config similarly to link:[how you can pin nixpkgs] then use it as if you manage it as described from <<using-my-config-with-channels>>.
Here's a snippet of using it as part of a NixOS configuration.