In the case for our link:../flake.nix[flake configuration], the importing of modules are already taken care of — specifically through `mkHost` from link:../lib/flake-utils.nix[`../lib/flake-utils.nix`] (see the linked file for the implementation).
It is best practice to assume the host configurations make use of the link:../modules/nixos[custom NixOS modules], link:../pkgs[custom packages], and the flake inputs.
In other words, always pay attention to link:../flake.nix[`../flake.nix`].
* link:../modules/nixos/profiles/users.nix[`modules.users.users.${user}`] which is my implementation for managing users from link:../users/home-manager/[`../users/home-manager/`] — e.g., ` = {}`.