I finally have some time trying to grok flakes and redo my NixOS config from scratch after leaving NixOs (because I have work and have to quickly set things up without me trying to debug how NixOS works).
* [x] Create a themes system similar to link:https://github.com/hlissner/dotfiles[this NixOS config].
* [ ] Manage secrets with agenix.
* [x] Automate backups with NixOS config.
* [ ] Create custom packages and export it to flakes. (Maybe consider making it to upstream)
* [x] Create cluser-wide configs.
* [x] Create host-wide configs.
* [ ] Create user-specific configs with home-manager.
* [ ] ~Steal~ Get some ideas from link:https://github.com/divnix/devos[this overengineered template].
* [ ] Make use of other established utilities such as link:https://github.com/divnix/digga/[digga], link:https://github.com/gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus[flake-utils-plus], and link:https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager[home-manager] once I'm familiar to create my own Nix programs.
Hello! I'm new to Nix and NixOS, where should I start?::
Oh no, you've seen the multiple configurations from other systems, didn't you?
I hope you're ready for some time understanding because the learning curve is steeper than the link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_Wall[Troll Wall].
I've written link:https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/blog/posts/moving-into-nixos/[a blog post regarding my experience with Nix] with a bunch of links for getting started.
(Un)Fortunately, it is mostly the same experience now that I've revisited it.
You only need Nix 2.4 installed with the experimental features for Nix command and flakes enabled (i.e., `experimental-features = nix-command flakes`).