They are used with a secret management tool (see xref:../../03-project-specific-setup/03-secrets-management/index.adoc[Secret management] for more information) to encrypt the more sensitive parts of the system such as credentials and environment files.
They will typically just make a messier mess than the current situation.
Though the unreproducible part is only like 10% of the whole configuration, it can be successfully deployed by anyone.
Keep in mind, it comes with a few restrictions due to the lack of the appropriate credentials.
- Certain tasks will not start.
Most of the project tasks found in this repo requires the associated private key with the task.
An example would be the github:{github-repo}[Borg backup task, path=./modules/nixos/tasks/backup-archive, rev=master] where it needs several files and credentials locked from the secrets management tool.
- Certain components will be missing.
Most notably, the associated SSH key for the hosts.
You won't be able to connect to the host if you don't have the private key.