Basically, workflows are mainly graphical sessions concerned with aesthetics and impose a structured way of using things, this may include Unix rices and good 'ol reliable desktop configurations like my link:./a-happy-gnome[GNOME config].
This is where modules will define how you're going to interact with the computer whether you should use something ranging from a full-fledged desktop environment with bells and whistles to a minimalist desktop environment only composing of a window manager, a terminal, and a bar.
* Due to the bigger scope and importance of this module, there is a limit where you can only enable one theme at a time.
You can disable this with `config.workflows.disableLimit` set to `true`.
* Custom themes should be defined in `config.workflows.workflows` attribute (e.g., `options.workflows.workflows.a-happy-gnome`, `options.workflows.workflows.simple-way`).
This makes up for a namespace entirely dedicated for setting themes.
If it's something you have to use (e.g., setting up i18n configuration), you have to conditionally set a profile as seen from link:../profiles/README.adoc[../profiles/README.adoc].