lib: convert comments into nixdoc docstrings

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Arazas 2025-02-26 21:22:47 +08:00
parent 6646d6f7f6
commit 3dfeb40453
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 62104B43D00AA360
5 changed files with 614 additions and 93 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,227 @@
{ pkgs, lib, self }:
Create a derivation containing an XDG MIME association listing.
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: Nix-representable settings in INI format.
: An optional string containing the desktop name. By default, it's empty
representing the global settings. Otherwise, it's considered to be
: An attrset of MIME associations. This is not set if it's a
desktop-specific configuration.
: An attrset of MIME associations. This is not set if it's a
desktop-specific configuration.
: An attrset of MIME associations for default applications.
: Nix-representable settings in INI format. Mutually exclusive with the
proper associations attribute and ignores proper checking if set. By
default, it is empty.
# Type
makeXDGMimeAssociationList :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
makeXDGMimeAssociationList {
defaultApplications = { "application/pdf" = "firefox.desktop"; };
addedAssociations = {
makeXDGMimeAssociationList =
pkgs.callPackage ./xdg/make-association-list.nix { };
Create a derivation containing an XDG Portal configuration.
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: The settings as a Nix-representable settings in INI format.
: The name of the desktop name. By default, it is set to `common` which is
considered as the global namespace. Otherwise, you can just set
desktop-specific settings.
# Type
makeXDGPortalConfiguration :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
makeXDGPortalConfiguration {
desktopName = "one.foodogsquared.SampleDesktop";
config.preferred = {
default = "gtk";
"org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Screencast" = "gnome";
makeXDGPortalConfiguration =
pkgs.callPackage ./xdg/make-portal-config.nix { };
Create a derivation containing an XDG desktop entry file. Unlike
`pkgs.makeDesktopItem`, it's more freeform.
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: Name of the desktop entry. Only used as part of the package name and the
default value of the destination path.
: Nix-representable data to be exported as the desktop entry.
: Add a validation check for the exported desktop entry.
: Destination path relative to the output path.
# Type
makeXDGDesktopEntry :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
makeXDGDesktopEntry {
name = "horizontal-hunger";
validate = false;
config = { "Desktop Entry".Exec = "Hello"; };
makeXDGDesktopEntry = pkgs.callPackage ./xdg/make-desktop-entry.nix { };
A wrapper for building Hugo projects.
# Arguments
Similar to `pkgs.buildGoModule`.
# Type
buildHugoSite :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
buildHugoSite {
pname = "foodogsquared-hm-startpage";
version = "0.3.0";
src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
vendorHash = "sha256-Mi61QK1yKWIneZ+i79fpJqP9ew5r5vnv7ptr9YGq0Uk=";
preBuild = ''
install -Dm0644 ${
} ./data/foodogsquared-homepage/themes/_dark.yaml
install -Dm0644 ${
} ./data/foodogsquared-homepage/themes/_light.yaml
meta = with lib; {
description = "foodogsquared's homepage";
license = licenses.gpl3Only;
buildHugoSite = pkgs.callPackage ./hugo-build-site { };
An convenient function for building with the custom extended stdenv.
# Arguments
Similar to `pkgs.buildEnv`.
# Type
buildFDSEnv :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
buildFDSEnv {
paths = with pkgs; [ hello ];
pathsToLink = [ "/bin" "/share" ];
buildFDSEnv =
pkgs.callPackage ./build-fds-env.nix { extendedStdenv = self.stdenv; };
A wrapper for creating dconf databases.
# Arguments
A sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: The directory of the dconf keyfiles.
: The name of the dconf database. By default, it is based from the directory name.
: A list of keyfiles to be included in the dconf database compilation.
# Type
buildDconfDb :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
buildDconfDb {
dir = ./config/dconf;
name = "custom-gnome";
buildDconfDb = pkgs.callPackage ./build-dconf-db.nix { };

View File

@ -5,14 +5,27 @@
{ pkgs, lib, self }:
/* Import the YAML file and return it as a Nix object. Unfortunately, this is
Import the YAML file and return it as a Nix object. Unfortunately, this is
implemented as an import-from-derivation (IFD) so it will not be pretty.
Type: importYAML :: Path -> Attrs
# Arguments
: The path of the YAML file.
# Type
importYAML :: Path -> Attrs
# Examples
importYAML ./your-mom.yaml
=> { name = "Yor Mum"; age = 56; world = "Herown"; }
importYAML = path:
@ -21,14 +34,37 @@
in lib.importJSON dataDrv;
/* Render a Tera template given a parameter set powered by `tera-cli`. Also
Render a Tera template given a parameter set powered by `tera-cli`. Also
typically used as an IFD.
Type: renderTeraTemplate :: Attrs -> Path
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: The template file to be used.
: An attribute set containing the data used alongside the template.
: An attrset of command line arguments (same as
`lib.cli.toGNUCommandLineShell`) to be added on top of the typical
arguments used by the function.
# Type
renderTeraTemplate :: Attrs -> Path
# Example
renderTeraTemplate { path = ./template.tera; context = { hello = 34; }; }
=> /nix/store/HASH-tera-render-template
renderTeraTemplate = { template, context, extraArgs ? { } }:
@ -45,14 +81,37 @@
tera --out "$out" ${extraArgs'} --template "${template}" "${contextFile}"
/* Render a Mustache template given a parameter set powered by `mustache-go`.
Render a Mustache template given a parameter set powered by `mustache-go`.
Also typically used as an IFD.
Type: renderMustacheTemplate :: Attrs -> Path
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: The path containing the template file.
: An attribute set of metadata used in the template file.
: An attrset of additional command line arguments (same as the argument
used in `lib.cli.toGNUCommandLineShell`) on top of the typical arguments
used in the function.
# Type
renderMustacheTemplate :: Attrs -> Path
# Examples
renderMustacheTemplate { path = ./template.mustache; context = { hello = 34; }; }
=> /nix/store/HASH-mustache-render-template
renderMustacheTemplate = { template, context, extraArgs ? { } }:
let extraArgs' = lib.cli.toGNUCommandLineShell { } extraArgs;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,84 @@
{ pkgs, lib, self }:
A convenient wrapper for fetching contents from the Internet Archive.
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the extra following attributes:
: The identifier of the item typically found in the URL of the object.
: An array of formats to be downloaded. Mutually exclusive with `file`
: The specific file to be downloaded. Mutually exclusive with `formats`
It can also accept other arguments as an extra attributes for its fetcher
function (e.g., `hash` for fixed-output derivations).
# Type
fetchInternetArchive :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
fetchInternetArchive {
id = "md_music_sonic_the_hedgehog";
formats = [ "TEXT" "PNG" ];
hash = "sha256-xbhasJ/wEgcY+EcBAJp5UoYB4N4It3QV/iIeGGdCET8=";
fetchInternetArchive {
id = "md_music_sonic_the_hedgehog";
file = "01 - Title Theme - Masato Nakamura.flac";
hash = "sha256-kGjsVjtjXK9imqyi4GF6qkFVmobiTAe/ZAeEwiouqS4=";
fetchInternetArchive = pkgs.callPackage ./fetch-internet-archive { };
An convenient wrapper for downloading Ugee drivers.
# Arguments
It's a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: The file identifier containing the driver.
: The identifier of the model.
: The file extension expected for the file.
# Type
fetchUgeeDriver :: Attr -> Derivation
# Examples
# Ugee M908.
fetchUgeeDriver {
fileId = "943";
pid = "505";
hash = "sha256-50Dbyaaa1B8nQu3+tTGvh/yjQqwaARB2MWtKSOUYsKg=";
ext = "tar.gz";
fetchUgeeDriver = pkgs.callPackage ./fetch-ugee-driver { };

View File

@ -2,24 +2,58 @@
{ pkgs, lib, self }:
rec {
/* Returns the absolute value of the given number.
Returns the absolute value of the given number.
# Arguments
: The numerical value.
# Type
abs :: Number -> Number
# Examples
abs -4
=> 4
abs (1 / 5)
=> 0.2
abs = number: if number < 0 then -(number) else number;
/* Exponentiates the given base with the exponent.
Exponentiates the given base with the exponent.
# Arguments
: The base value.
: The exponent value.
# Type
pow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
# Examples
pow 2 3
=> 8
pow 6 4
=> 1296
pow = base: exponent:
# Just to be a contrarian, I'll just make this as a tail recursive function

View File

@ -1,36 +1,89 @@
{ pkgs, lib, self }:
rec {
/* Force a numerical value to be a floating value.
Force a numerical value to be a floating value.
# Arguments
: The (numerical) value to be converted.
# Type
toFloat :: Number -> Float
# Examples
toFloat 5698
=> 5698.0
toFloat 9859.55
=> 9859.55
toFloat = x: x / 1.0;
/* Count the attributes with the given predicate.
Count the attributes with the given predicate.
# Arguments
: The predicate function to be used per-attribute key-value. Its expected
arguments are the attribute key and the attribute value in that order.
: The attribute set to be used.
# Type
countAttrs :: Function -> Attr -> Integer
# Examples
countAttrs (name: value: value) { d = true; f = true; a = false; }
=> 2
countAttrs (name: value: value.enable) { d = { enable = true; }; f = { enable = false; package = [ ]; }; }
=> 1
countAttrs = pred: attrs:
lib.count (attr: pred attr.value)
(lib.mapAttrsToList lib.nameValuePair attrs);
/* Filters and groups the attribute set into two separate attribute where it
Filters and groups the attribute set into two separate attribute where it
either accepted or denied from a given predicate function.
# Arguments
: The filter function to be used per-attribute. Its expected arguments are
the attribute key and the attribute value, in that order.
: The attribute set to be used.
# Type
filterAttrs :: Function -> Attr -> Attr
# Example
filterAttrs' (n: v: v == 4) { a = 4; b = 2; c = 6; }
=> { ok = { a = 4; }; notOk = { b = 2; c = 6; }; }
filterAttrs' = f: attrs:
lib.foldlAttrs (acc: name: value:
@ -43,22 +96,52 @@ rec {
notOk = { };
} attrs;
/* Convenient function for converting bits to bytes.
Convenient function for converting bits to bytes.
# Arguments
: An integer value expected to be the number of bits.
# Type
bitsToBytes :: Integer -> Integer
# Example
bitsToBytes 1600
=> 200
bitsToBytes = x: x / 8.0;
/* Gives the exponent with the associated SI prefix.
Gives the exponent with the associated SI prefix.
# Arguments
: The SI prefix itself.
# Type
SIPrefixExponent :: String -> Integer
# Example
SIPrefixExponent "M"
=> 6
SIPrefixExponent "Q"
=> 30
SIPrefixExponent = c:
@ -90,28 +173,45 @@ rec {
in prefixes.${c};
/* Gives the multiplier for the metric units.
Gives the multiplier for the metric units.
# Arguments
It has a similar argument to `foodogsquaredLib.trivial.SIPrefixExponent`.
# Examples
metricPrefixMultiplier "M"
=> 1000000
metricPrefixMultiplier "G"
=> 1000000000
metricPrefixMultiplier = c: self.math.pow 10 (SIPrefixExponent c);
/* Gives the exponent with the associated binary prefix.
Gives the exponent with the associated binary prefix.
As an implementation detail, we don't follow the proper IEC unit prefixes
and instead mapping this to the SI prefix for convenience.
# Arguments
Similar argument to `foodogsquaredLib.trivial.SIPrefixExponent` but only
for select SI prefixes instead.
# Examples
SIPrefixExponent "M"
=> 6
SIPrefixExponent "Q"
=> 30
binaryPrefixExponent = c:
@ -127,22 +227,39 @@ rec {
in prefixes.${c};
/* Gives the multiplier for the given byte unit. Essentially returns the
Gives the multiplier for the given byte unit. Essentially returns the
value in number of bytes.
# Argument
Similar argument to `foodogsquaredLib.trivial.binaryPrefixExponent`.
# Examples
binaryPrefixMultiplier "M"
=> 1048576
binaryPrefixMultiplier "G"
=> 1.099511628×10¹²
binaryPrefixMultiplier = c: self.math.pow 2 (binaryPrefixExponent c);
/* Parse the given string containing the size into its appropriate value.
Parse the given string containing the size into its appropriate value.
Returns the value in number of bytes.
# Arguments
: The string expecting to contain an integer and its suffix (e.g., `4GiB`,
`2 Mb`). Whitespace characters in between them is accepted.
# Examples
parseBytesSizeIntoInt "4GiB"
=> 4294967296
@ -151,6 +268,7 @@ rec {
parseBytesSizeIntoInt "2 Mb"
=> 250000
parseBytesSizeIntoInt = str:
@ -169,14 +287,32 @@ rec {
bitDivider = if lib.hasSuffix "b" suffix then 8 else 1;
in numeral * multiplier / bitDivider;
/* Given an attrset of unit size object, return the size in bytes.
Given an attrset of unit size object, return the size in bytes.
# Arguments
It is a sole attribute set with the following attributes:
: An integer value representing the numerical value of the unit.
: The SI prefix similar to `foodogsquaredLib.trivial.SIPrefixExponent`.
: Indicates the type of multiplier to be used. Only accepts `binary` and
`metric` as the value.
# Examples
unitsToInt { size = 4; prefix = "G"; type = "binary"; }
=> 4294967296
unitsToInt { size = 4; prefix = "G"; type = "metric"; }
=> 4000000000
unitsToInt = { size, prefix, type ? "binary" }: