diff --git a/modules/home-manager/services/yt-dlp.nix b/modules/home-manager/services/yt-dlp.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef857ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/home-manager/services/yt-dlp.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ cfg = config.services.yt-dlp;
+ jobType = { name, config, options, ... }: {
+ options = {
+ urls = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+ default = [ ];
+ description = ''
+ A list of URLs to be downloaded to yt-dlp. Please
+ see the list of extractors with .
+ '';
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ [
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/ronillust"
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/Jazza"
+ ]
+ '';
+ };
+ startAt = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; str;
+ description = ''
+ Indicates how frequent the download will occur. The given schedule should follow the format as described from
+ systemd.time
+ 5
+ .
+ '';
+ default = "daily";
+ example = "*-*-3/4";
+ };
+ extraArgs = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+ description =
+ "Job-specific extra arguments to be passed to the yt-dlp.";
+ default = [ ];
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ [
+ "--date 'today'"
+ ]
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.services.yt-dlp = {
+ enable = lib.mkEnableOption "archiving service with yt-dlp";
+ package = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.package;
+ description =
+ "The derivation that contains yt-dlp binary.";
+ default = pkgs.yt-dlp;
+ defaultText = lib.literalExpression "pkgs.yt-dlp";
+ example = lib.literalExpression
+ "pkgs.yt-dlp.override { phantomjsSupport = true; }";
+ };
+ archivePath = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ description = ''
+ The location of the archive to be downloaded. Take note it is assumed
+ to be created at the time of running the service. Must be an absolute
+ path.
+ '';
+ default = "${lib.replaceStrings ["$HOME"] [config.home.homeDirectory] config.xdg.userDirs.videos}/yt-dlp-service";
+ example = lib.literalExpression
+ "\${config.xdg.userDirs.download}/archiving-service/videos";
+ };
+ extraArgs = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of arguments to be passed to yt-dlp.";
+ default = [ "--download-archive '${cfg.archivePath}/download-list" ];
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ [
+ "--download-archive ''${cfg.archivePath}/download-list"
+ "--concurrent-fragments 2"
+ "--retries 20"
+ ]
+ '';
+ };
+ jobs = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule jobType);
+ description = ''
+ A map of jobs for the archiving service.
+ '';
+ default = { };
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ {
+ arts = {
+ urls = [
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/Jazza"
+ ];
+ startAt = "weekly";
+ extraArgs = [ "--date 'today'" ];
+ };
+ compsci = {
+ urls = [
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/K%C3%A1rolyZsolnai"
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCodingTrain"
+ ];
+ startAt = "weekly";
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value:
+ lib.nameValuePair "yt-dlp-archive-service-${name}" {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "yt-dlp archive job for group '${name}'";
+ After = "network.target";
+ Documentation = "man:yt-dlp(1)";
+ };
+ Service = {
+ WorkingDirectory = cfg.archivePath;
+ ExecStartPre = ''
+ ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -c "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${lib.escapeShellArg cfg.archivePath}"
+ '';
+ ExecStart = let
+ scriptName = "yt-dlp-archive-service-${config.home.username}-${name}";
+ archiveScript = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin scriptName ''
+ ${cfg.package}/bin/yt-dlp ${lib.concatStringsSep " " cfg.extraArgs} ${
+ lib.concatStringsSep " " value.extraArgs
+ } ${lib.escapeShellArgs value.urls}
+ '';
+ in "${archiveScript}/bin/${scriptName}";
+ };
+ }) cfg.jobs;
+ systemd.user.timers = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value:
+ lib.nameValuePair "yt-dlp-archive-service-${name}" {
+ Unit = {
+ Description = "yt-dlp archive job for group '${name}'";
+ Documentation = "man:yt-dlp(1)";
+ };
+ Timer = {
+ OnCalendar = value.startAt;
+ Persistent = true;
+ };
+ Install.WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ }) cfg.jobs;
+ };
diff --git a/modules/nixos/services/yt-dlp.nix b/modules/nixos/services/yt-dlp.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cdec11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nixos/services/yt-dlp.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ cfg = config.services.yt-dlp;
+ jobType = { name, config, options, ... }: {
+ options = {
+ urls = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+ default = [ ];
+ description = ''
+ A list of URLs to be downloaded to yt-dlp. Please
+ see the list of extractors with .
+ '';
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ [
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/ronillust"
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/Jazza"
+ ]
+ '';
+ };
+ startAt = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; str;
+ description = ''
+ Indicates how frequent the download will occur. The given schedule should follow the format as described from
+ systemd.time
+ 5
+ .
+ '';
+ default = "daily";
+ example = "*-*-3/4";
+ };
+ extraArgs = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+ description =
+ "Job-specific extra arguments to be passed to the yt-dlp.";
+ default = [ ];
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ [
+ "--date 'today'"
+ ]
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.services.yt-dlp = {
+ enable = lib.mkEnableOption "archiving service with yt-dlp";
+ package = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.package;
+ description =
+ "The derivation that contains yt-dlp binary.";
+ default = pkgs.yt-dlp;
+ defaultText = lib.literalExpression "pkgs.yt-dlp";
+ example = lib.literalExpression
+ "pkgs.yt-dlp.override { phantomjsSupport = true; }";
+ };
+ archivePath = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ description = ''
+ The location of the archive to be downloaded. Must be an absolute path.
+ '';
+ default = "/archives/yt-dlp-service";
+ example = lib.literalExpression "/archiving-service/videos";
+ };
+ extraArgs = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of arguments to be passed to yt-dlp.";
+ default = [ "--download-archive videos" ];
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ [
+ "--download-archive ''${cfg.archivePath}/download-list"
+ "--concurrent-fragments 2"
+ "--retries 20"
+ ]
+ '';
+ };
+ jobs = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule jobType);
+ description = ''
+ A map of jobs for the archiving service.
+ '';
+ default = { };
+ example = lib.literalExpression ''
+ {
+ arts = {
+ urls = [
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/Jazza"
+ ];
+ startAt = "weekly";
+ extraArgs = [ "--date 'today'" ];
+ };
+ compsci = {
+ urls = [
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/K%C3%A1rolyZsolnai"
+ "https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCodingTrain"
+ ];
+ startAt = "weekly";
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.services = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value:
+ lib.nameValuePair "yt-dlp-archive-service-${name}" {
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ description = "yt-dlp archive job for group '${name}'";
+ documentation = [ "man:yt-dlp(1)" ];
+ enable = true;
+ path = [ cfg.package pkgs.coreutils ];
+ script = ''
+ mkdir -p ${lib.escapeShellArg cfg.archivePath} \
+ && yt-dlp ${lib.concatStringsSep " " cfg.extraArgs} ${
+ lib.concatStringsSep " " value.extraArgs
+ } ${lib.escapeShellArgs value.urls}
+ '';
+ startAt = value.startAt;
+ }) cfg.jobs;
+ };