diff --git a/subprojects/wrapper-manager-fds/default.nix b/subprojects/wrapper-manager-fds/default.nix index 7ea52e4a..55a4a4cc 100644 --- a/subprojects/wrapper-manager-fds/default.nix +++ b/subprojects/wrapper-manager-fds/default.nix @@ -5,18 +5,30 @@ { }: { + # Self-explanatory attributes, yeah? These are just integration modules for + # the select environments... + # ...such as for NixOS, ... nixosModules = rec { default = wrapper-manager; wrapper-manager = ./modules/env/nixos; }; + # ...and for home-manager. homeModules = rec { default = wrapper-manager; wrapper-manager = ./modules/env/home-manager; }; + # The main library interface that can be used for immediate consumption. lib = import ./lib/env.nix; + + # This is intended to be imported by the user in case they want to initialize + # their own wrapper-manager library for whatever reason. wrapperManagerLib = ./lib; + + # The overlay that can be included in the nixpkgs instance which includes + # only the wrapper-manager library set for now (and pretty much in the + # distant future). overlays.default = final: prev: { wrapperManagerLib = import ./lib { pkgs = final; }; };