diff --git a/overlays/default.nix b/overlays/default.nix
index 68b7eb7b..281792c6 100644
--- a/overlays/default.nix
+++ b/overlays/default.nix
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
 # simply have to append them as a list (i.e., `lib.attrValues`).
   ffmpeg-foodogsquared = import ./ffmpeg-foodogsquared;
+  firefox-foodogsquared = import ./firefox-foodogsquared;
   blender-foodogsquared = import ./blender-foodogsquared;
diff --git a/overlays/firefox-foodogsquared/default.nix b/overlays/firefox-foodogsquared/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d95b53b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlays/firefox-foodogsquared/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# My personalized Firefox installation.
+final: prev:
+  firefox-foodogsquared = with prev; wrapFirefox firefox-unwrapped {
+    cfg = {
+      enableBrowserpass = true;
+      enableBukubrow = true;
+      enableGnomeExtensions = true;
+      enableTridactylNative = true;
+      enableFxCastBridge = true;
+    };
+    extraNativeMessagingHosts = [
+      ff2mpv
+    ];
+    extraPolicies = {
+      AppAutoUpdate = false;
+      Containers.Default =
+        let
+          mkContainer = name: color: icon: {
+            inherit name color icon;
+          };
+        in
+        [
+          (mkContainer "Personal" "blue" "fingerprint")
+          (mkContainer "Self-hosted" "pink" "fingerprint")
+          (mkContainer "Work" "red" "briefcase")
+          (mkContainer "Banking" "green" "dollar")
+          (mkContainer "Shopping" "pink" "cart")
+          (mkContainer "Gaming" "turquoise" "chill")
+        ];
+      DisableAppUpdate = true;
+      DisableMasterPasswordCreation = true;
+      DisablePocket = true;
+      DisableSetDesktopBackground = true;
+      DontCheckDefaultBrowser = true;
+      EnableTrackingProtection = true;
+      ExtensionSettings =
+        let
+          mozillaAddon = id: "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/${id}/latest.xpi";
+          # This option assumes the default installation mode is `normal_installed`.
+          extensions = {
+            "@contain-facebook".install_url = mozillaAddon "facebook-container";
+            "@contain-google".install_url = mozillaAddon "google-container";
+            "@testpilot-containers".install_url = mozillaAddon "multi-account-containers";
+            "{157eb9f0-9814-4fcc-b0b7-586b3093c641}".install_url = mozillaAddon "updateswh";
+            "{15bdb1ce-fa9d-4a00-b859-66c214263ac0}".install_url = mozillaAddon "get-rss-feed-url";
+            "{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}" = {
+              install_url = mozillaAddon "bitwarden-password-manager";
+              installation_mode = "force_installed";
+              default_area = "navbar";
+            };
+            "{dedb3663-6f13-4c6c-bf0f-5bd111cb2c79}".install_url = mozillaAddon "zhongwen";
+            "{ef87d84c-2127-493f-b952-5b4e744245bc}".install_url = mozillaAddon "aw-watcher-web";
+            "ff2mpv@yossarian.net" = {
+              install_url = mozillaAddon "ff2mpv";
+              default_area = "navbar";
+            };
+            "FirefoxColor@mozilla.com".install_url = mozillaAddon "firefox-color";
+            "firefox-translations-addon@mozilla.org".install_url = mozillaAddon "firefox-translations";
+            "fx_cast@matt.tf".install_url = "https://github.com/hensm/fx_cast/releases/download/v0.3.1/fx_cast-0.3.1.xpi";
+            "jid1-MnnxcxisBPnSXQ@jetpack".install_url = mozillaAddon "privacy-badger17";
+            "regrets-reporter@mozillafoundation.org".install_url = mozillaAddon "regretsreporter";
+            "tridactyl.vim@cmcaine.co.uk".install_url = mozillaAddon "tridactyl-vim";
+            "uBlock0@raymondhill.net".install_url = mozillaAddon "ublock-origin";
+            "wayback_machine@mozilla.org" = {
+              install_url = mozillaAddon "wayback-machine_new";
+              default_area = "navbar";
+            };
+            "zotero@chnm.gmu.edu".install_url = "https://download.zotero.org/connector/firefox/release/Zotero_Connector-5.0.114.xpi";
+          };
+          applyInstallationMode = name: value:
+            lib.nameValuePair name (value //
+              (lib.optionalAttrs
+                (! (lib.hasAttrByPath [ "installation_mode" ] value))
+                { installation_mode = "normal_installed"; }));
+        in
+        lib.mapAttrs' applyInstallationMode extensions;
+      FirefoxHome = {
+        Highlights = false;
+        Pocket = false;
+        Snippets = false;
+        SponsporedPocket = false;
+        SponsporedTopSites = false;
+      };
+      NoDefaultBookmarks = true;
+      OfferToSaveLoginsDefault = false;
+      PasswordManagerEnabled = false;
+      SanitizeOnShutdown = {
+        FormData = true;
+      };
+      UseSystemPrintDialog = true;
+    };
+  };