# NixVim config for some light software development. This is where language # support plugins mainly reside. Also formatters. { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { # Confirming these files are conforming. plugins.conform-nvim = { enable = true; settings.formatters = rec { bash = [ "shfmt" ]; c = lib.singleton [ "clang_format" ]; cpp = c; javascript = lib.singleton [ "prettierd" "prettier" ]; lua = [ "stylua" ]; nix = lib.singleton [ "nixpkgs-fmt" "alejandra" ]; python = [ "isort" "black" ]; ruby = lib.singleton [ "rubocop" "rufo" ]; typescript = javascript; typst = [ "typstfmt" ]; }; }; # Give language "support" through tree-sitter. plugins.treesitter.grammarPackages = with config.plugins.treesitter.package.builtGrammars; [ agda arduino astro awk blueprint cairo cmake commonlisp csv cue dart devicetree diff elixir elm erlang fennel fish git_config git_rebase gitattributes gitcommit gitignore gdscript glsl go hcl janet-simple kotlin make nickel nix perl ruby rust scheme sparql sql supercollider wgsl wgsl_bevy zig ] ++ (with pkgs.tree-sitter-grammars; [ tree-sitter-elisp tree-sitter-nu ]); extraPlugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ vim-nickel vim-nix zig-vim ]; }