{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:

# Most of the filesystems listed here are supposed to be overriden to default
# settings of whatever image format configuration this host system will import
# from nixos-generators.
# Take note that this hardware configuration is mostly considered with Hetzner
# Cloud hardware server settings in mind. Be sure to replace it whenever you
# update your cloud provider.
  imports = [
    (modulesPath + "/profiles/qemu-guest.nix")

  boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
  boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ata_piix" "virtio_pci" "virtio_scsi" "xhci_pci" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ];
  boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "nvme" ];

  fileSystems."/" = lib.mkOverride 2000 {
    label = "nixos";
    fsType = "ext4";
    options = [ "defaults" ];

  fileSystems."/boot" = lib.mkOverride 2000 {
    label = "boot";
    fsType = "vfat";

  zramSwap = {
    enable = true;
    numDevices = 1;

  nixpkgs.hostPlatform = lib.mkDefault "x86_64-linux";
  hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware;

  networking.useDHCP = false;
  networking.interfaces.ens3.useDHCP = true;