{ config, lib, pkgs, helpers, ... }: { # The main star of the show. plugins.neorg.enable = true; # Set it up, set it up, set it up. plugins.neorg.extraOptions = { lazy_loading = true; load = lib.mkMerge [ { # Pretty much required with tree-sitter integration and all. "core.defaults" = helpers.emptyTable; # Conceal your blade (which is the markup, in which it is pretty sharp to # look at). "core.concealer" = helpers.emptyTable; # Dear diary... "core.journal".config = { strategy = "flat"; }; # Norg ripping a page from org-mode. "core.ui.calendar" = helpers.emptyTable; # Manage your note workspaces. "core.dirman".config = { workspaces = { personal = "~/library/notes"; }; }; } (lib.mkIf config.plugins.nvim-cmp.enable { "core.completion".config.engine = "nvim-cmp"; }) ]; }; # Install the common text markup tree-sitter grammars. plugins.treesitter.grammarPackages = with config.plugins.treesitter.package.builtGrammars; [ bibtex cooklang latex ledger markdown markdown_inline org po pod rst tsx ] # Install the tree-sitter parsers required for the core.defaults Neorg # module. ++ lib.optionals (config.plugins.neorg.extraOptions ? load."core.defaults") (with pkgs.tree-sitter-grammars; [ tree-sitter-norg tree-sitter-norg-meta ]); }