= Homepage Hey there! This is my NixOS configuration abomination documentation "book" called "foodogsquared's NixOS config" book or "f(a)Nc(y)" config book for short. .Here's a Nix snowflake logo for some reason image::./nix-snowflake.svg[width=256px] Why don't you start skimming the "book" by taking a glance at the table of contents over there. [chat, Ezran, state=curious, role=reversed] ==== Why would you have an entire book on just your NixOS configuration? This seems like overkill. ==== [chat, foodogsquared, state=cheeky] ==== Because **it is overkill** and that's what we're going for. ==== [chat, Ezran, state=disappointed, role=reversed] ==== And what is this book made of? Hugo? With Asciidoctor? With a customized version of github:foo-dogsquared/hugo-theme-more-contentful[your own theme]? OF ALL OPTIONS!?! Why not use something like github:rust-lang/mdBook[mdBook]? Or link:https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/[mkdocs-material] that makes things eas- ==== [chat, Ezran, state=skeptical, role=reversed] ==== You know what, I'm not going to continue with this. I think I know why. ====