{ config, lib, pkgs, helpers, ... }: let nixvimCfg = config.nixvimConfigs.fiesta; cfg = nixvimCfg.setups.note-taking; in { options.nixvimConfigs.fiesta.setups.note-taking.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "basic note-taking setup"; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { # The main star of the show. plugins.neorg.enable = true; # Set it up, set it up. plugins.neorg.settings = { lazy_loading = true; # The basic bare essentials. load = { "core.defaults" = helpers.emptyTable; "core.concealer" = helpers.emptyTable; }; }; # Install the tree-sitter parsers. plugins.treesitter.grammarPackages = lib.mkIf (config.plugins.neorg.settings ? load."core.defaults") (with pkgs.tree-sitter-grammars; [ tree-sitter-norg tree-sitter-norg-meta ]); }; }