# Enables all of my usual setup for desktop-oriented stuff.
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }@attrs:

  cfg = config.profiles.desktop;
  options.profiles.desktop = {
    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "installations of desktop apps";
    graphics.enable =
      lib.mkEnableOption "installations of graphics-related apps";
    audio = {
      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "installations of audio-related apps";
      pipewire.enable = lib.mkOption {
        type = lib.types.bool;
        default = attrs ? osConfig && lib.attrByPath [ "services" "pipewire" "enable" ] false attrs.osConfig;
        description = ''
          Enable whether to install Pipewire-related applications.

          This module is implicitly enabled if used as part of the NixOS
          configuration and has Pipewire service enabled.
    video.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "installations of video-related apps";
    documents.enable =
      lib.mkEnableOption "installations for document-related apps";

  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
    (lib.mkIf cfg.graphics.enable {
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        aseprite # Pixel art wannabe tool.
        emulsion-palette # Manage your color palettes.
        eyedropper # Gotta keep your monitor moist.
        inkscape-with-extensions # Illustration wannabe tool.
        gimp-with-plugins # Photo editing wannabe tool.
        krita # Digital art wannabe tool.

        ffmpeg-full # Ah yes, everyman's multimedia swiss army knife.
        imagemagick # Ah yes, everyman's image manipulation tool.
        gmic # Don't let the gimmicks fool you, it's a magical image framework.
      ++ (
          hasBlenderNixOSModule = attrs ? osConfig && lib.attrByPath [ "programs" "blender" "enable" ] false attrs.osConfig;
        lib.optional (!hasBlenderNixOSModule) pkgs.blender

    (lib.mkIf cfg.audio.enable {
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        audacity # EGADS!!!
        musescore # You won't find muses to score, only music: a common misconception.
        zrythm # The freer FL Studio (if you're sailing by the high seven seas).
        supercollider # Not to be confused with the other Super Collider.
        sonic-pi # The only pie you'll get from this is worms which I heard is addicting.

        ffmpeg-full # Ah yes, everyman's multimedia swiss army knife.
      ++ (
          hasWineProfile = attrs ? osConfig && lib.attrByPath [ "profiles" "desktop" "wine" "enable" ] false attrs.osConfig;
        lib.optionals hasWineProfile (with pkgs; [
          yabridge # Building bridges to Windows and Linux audio tools.
          yabridgectl # The bridge controller.

    (lib.mkIf cfg.audio.pipewire.enable {
      # This is assuming you're using Pipewire, yes?
      services.easyeffects.enable = true;
      services.fluidsynth = {
        enable = true;
        soundService =
            hasNixOSPipewirePulseEnabled = attrs ? osConfig && lib.attrByPath [ "services" "pipewire" "pulse" "enable" ] false attrs.osConfig;
          lib.mkIf hasNixOSPipewirePulseEnabled "pipewire-pulse";

      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        helvum # The Pipewire Patchbay.
        carla # The Carla Carla.

    (lib.mkIf cfg.video.enable {
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        ffmpeg-full # Ah yes, everyman's multimedia swiss army knife.
        kdenlive # YOU! Edit this video and live in a den, 'k?
        gnome-video-effects # A bunch of stock video effects.

      # The one-stop shop for your broadcasting and recording needs. Not to be
      # confused with the build service.
      programs.obs-studio = {
        enable = true;
        plugins = with pkgs.obs-studio-plugins; [

      # The modern VLC if you have little sense of design.
      programs.mpv = {
        enable = true;
        config = {
          ytdl-format = "(webm,mkv,mp4)[height<=?1280]";
          ytdl-raw-options-append =
              options = {
                yes-playlist = "";
              options' = lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${n}=${v}") options;
            lib.concatStringsSep "," options';
          ordered-chapters = true;
          ab-loop-count = "inf";
          chapter-seek-threshold = 15.0;
          osc = false;
          sub-auto = "fuzzy";
          hwdec = "auto";

        bindings = {
          "Ctrl+s" = "playlist-shuffle";
          "Alt+h" = "seek -5";
          "Alt+l" = "seek 5";
          "Alt+H" = "add chapter -1";
          "Alt+L" = "add chapter 1";

          "S" = "screenshot each-frame";

          "!" = "show-text \${playlist}";
          "@" = "show-text \${track-list}";
          "SHARP" = "show-text \${chapter-list}";

          # Ehhh, they're more getting in the way than just existing...
          "f" = "ignore";
          "T" = "ignore";
          "Alt+s" = "ignore";

        profiles = {
          cjk = rec {
            profile-desc = "CJK prioritization";
            vlang = "zho,zh,kor,ko,jpn,ja,eng,en";
            alang = vlang;
            slang = with lib; concatStringsSep "," (reverseList (splitString "," vlang));

          "extension.gif" = {
            osc = false;
            loop-file = "inf";

        scripts = with pkgs.mpvScripts; [

      xdg.mimeApps.defaultApplications = {
        "audio/*" = [ "mpv.desktop" ];
        "video/*" = [ "mpv.desktop" ];

    (lib.mkIf cfg.documents.enable {
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        dino # Some modern chat client featuring a dinosaur mascot for what could be considered a dinosaur.
        foliate # The prettier PDF viewer (if you're OK with a mixed bag of GTK3+GTK4 apps).
        thunderbird # Email and web feed checks.
        languagetool # You're personal assistant for proper grammar,
        vale # Elevate your fanfics to a frivolously higher caliber!

      xdg.mimeApps.defaultApplications = {
        "application/pdf" = [

      # Some PDF viewer with a penchant for research.
      programs.sioyek = {
        enable = true;

        # All of my keybindings based from my Neovim workflow.
        bindings = {
          "move_up" = [ "k" "<up>" ];
          "move_down" = [ "j" "<down>" ];
          "move_left" = [ "h" "<left>" ];
          "move_right" = [ "l" "<right>" ];
          "next_page" = [ "<C-f>" "<S-<down>>" ];
          "previous_page" = [ "<C-b>" "<S-<up>>" ];
          "screen_down" = [ "<C-d>" "d" ];
          "screen_up" = [ "<C-u>" "u" ];
          "fit_to_page_width_smart" = "<C-S-f>";
          "copy" = "y";
          "goto_toc" = [ "t" "g<S-o>" ];
          "open_prev_doc" = [ "<S-o>" "fbb" ];
          "open_last_document" = [ "^" "<C-S-6>" ];

        config = {
          "search_url_b" = "https://search.brave.com/search?q=";
          "shift_middle_click_engine" = "b";
          "ui_font" = "sans-serif";
          "font_size" = "24";