# We're basically reimplmenting parts from the home-manager test suite here # just with our own modules included. { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } , homeManagerSrc ? <home-manager> , enableBig ? true }: let nmt = pkgs.nix-lib-nmt; lib = import "${homeManagerSrc}/modules/lib/stdlib-extended.nix" pkgs.lib; homeManagerModules = import "${homeManagerSrc}/modules/modules.nix" { inherit pkgs lib; check = false; }; modules = homeManagerModules ++ [ ../../../modules/home-manager ../../../modules/home-manager/_private # Copied over from home-manager test suite. { # Bypass <nixpkgs> reference inside modules/modules.nix to make the test # suite more pure. _module.args.pkgsPath = pkgs.path; # Fix impurities. Without these some of the user's environment # will leak into the tests through `builtins.getEnv`. xdg.enable = true; home = { username = "hm-user"; homeDirectory = "/home/hm-user"; stateVersion = lib.mkDefault "18.09"; }; # Avoid including documentation since this will cause # unnecessary rebuilds of the tests. manual.manpages.enable = lib.mkDefault false; imports = [ "${homeManagerSrc}/tests/asserts.nix" "${homeManagerSrc}/tests/big-test.nix" "${homeManagerSrc}/tests/stubs.nix" ]; test.enableBig = enableBig; } ]; inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin isLinux; in import nmt { inherit pkgs lib modules; testedAttrPath = [ "home" "activationPackage" ]; tests = builtins.foldl' (a: b: a // (import b)) { } ([ ./programs/neovide ./programs/pipewire ./programs/pop-launcher ./programs/zed-editor ] ++ lib.optionals isLinux [ ./services/archivebox ./services/bleachbit ./services/gallery-dl ./services/matcha ./services/plover ./services/yt-dlp ]); }