# arcmenu, the extensive and configurable menu [org/gnome/shell/extensions/arcmenu] arc-menu-icon = 64 arc-menu-placement = 'Panel' disable-recently-installed-apps = false menu-button-icon = 'Arc_Menu_Icon' menu-height = 550 # Use the non-intrusive runner. menu-hotkey = 'Super_L' menu-layout = 'Runner' enable-standlone-runner-menu = true runner-position = 'Centered' runner-menu-hotkey = 'Super_L' # Making the default runner nicely usable. runner-show-frequent-apps = true search-provider-open-windows = true show-activities-button = false show-search-result-details = true apps-show-extra-details = true # Minor tweaks ahoy! [org/gnome/shell/extensions/just-perfection] activities-button = false clock-menu-position-offset = 9 clock-menu-position = 1 notification-banner-position = 2 ripple-box = false window-demands-attention-focus = true workspace-wrap-around = false # The lovely tool if you're a mouse handler. [org/gnome/shell/extensions/flypie] menu-configuration = '[{"name":"Global palette","icon":"🐶️","shortcut":"space","centered":false,"id":0,"children":[{"name":"Close window","type":"Shortcut","icon":"window-close-symbolic","data":{"shortcut":"q"},"angle":-1},{"name":"Next workspace","icon":"go-next-symbolic","type":"Shortcut","data":{"shortcut":"l"},"angle":90},{"name":"Favorites","icon":"emblem-favorite-symbolic-#fae","type":"Favorites","data":{},"angle":-1},{"name":"Fly-Pie settings","icon":"applications-system-symbolic","type":"Command","data":"gnome-extensions prefs flypie@schneegans.github.com","angle":-1},{"name":"Previous workspace","icon":"go-previous-symbolic","type":"Shortcut","data":{"shortcut":"h"},"angle":270},{"name":"Running apps","icon":"flypie-menu-running-apps-symbolic-#74a","type":"RunningApps","data":{"activeWorkspaceOnly":false,"appGrouping":true,"hoverPeeking":true,"nameRegex":""},"angle":-1},{"name":"Maximize window","icon":"window-maximize-symbolic","type":"Shortcut","data":{"shortcut":"f"},"angle":-1}],"type":"CustomMenu","data":{},"touchButton":false,"superRMB":false}]' # A little novelty couldn't hurt. [org/gnome/shell/extensions/burn-my-windows] close-animation = 'tv' destroy-animation-time = 500 destroy-dialogs = true disable-on-battery = true # Disable the default set of animations. fire-close-effect = false fire-open-effect = false # Subtle effects FTW! tv-animation-time = 250 tv-close-effect = true tv-open-effect = true glide-animation-time = 200 glide-scale = 1.0 glide-shift = -0.02 glide-squish = 0.0 glide-open-effect = true glide-close-effect = true # Make app grid somewhat usable. [org/gnome/shell/extensions/alphabetical-app-grid] folder-order-position = 'start' # PaperWM for an alternative shell. [org/gnome/shell/extensions/paperwm] horizontal-margin = 5 vertical-margin = 5 vertical-margin-bottom = 5 window-gap = 5 override-hot-corner = false cycle-width-steps = [0.38195, 0.5, 0.61804, 0.75] cycle-height-steps = [0.38195, 0.5, 0.61804, 0.75] # The shortcuts are closely tied to my shell keybindings to make it easier to follow. [org/gnome/shell/extensions/paperwm/keybindings] new-window = ['Return'] close-window = ['q', 'F4'] live-alt-tab = ['Tab'] live-alt-tab-existing = ['Tab'] paper-toggle-fullscreen = ['f'] toggle-maximize-width = ['f'] # I don't want scratchpads or whatever these things. toggle-scratch-window = @as [] toggle-scratch-layer = @as [] toggle-scratch = @as [] # I prefer to cycle the sizes instead. resize-h-inc = @as [] resize-h-dec = @as [] resize-w-inc = @as [] resize-w-dec = @as [] cycle-width = ['r'] # Slurping and puking windows... weird. slurp-in = ['t'] barf-out = ['t'] # Navigating with workspaces should be similar with my workflow. switch-right = ['l', 'Right'] switch-left = ['h', 'Left'] switch-up = ['k', 'Up'] switch-down = ['j', 'Down'] move-right = ['l', 'Right'] move-left = ['h', 'Left'] move-up = ['k', 'Up'] move-down = ['j', 'Down'] switch-up-workspace = ['k', 'Up'] switch-down-workspace = ['j', 'Down'] move-up-workspace = ['k', 'Up'] move-down-workspace = ['j', 'Down']