{ inputs , lib , config , defaultOverlays , ... }: let cfg = config.setups.nixvim; nixvimModules = ../../nixvim; mkNixvimConfig = { system, pkgs, nixvimBranch ? "nixvim", modules ? [ ] }: inputs.${nixvimBranch}.legacyPackages.${system}.makeNixvimWithModule { inherit pkgs; module = { imports = modules; }; extraSpecialArgs = { foodogsquaredModulesPath = builtins.toString nixvimModules; }; }; modulesOption = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf deferredModule; default = [ ]; }; modulesOption' = configEnv: modulesOption // { description = '' A list of NixVim modules to be applied across all NixVim configurations when imported as part of ${configEnv}. ''; }; configType = { name, lib, config, ... }: { options = { nixpkgsBranches = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf str; description = '' A list of nixpkgs branches for the NixVim configuration to be built against. ''; example = [ "nixos-unstable" "nixos-stable" ]; }; nixvimBranch = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nonEmptyStr; default = "nixvim"; example = "nixvim-unstable"; description = '' The NixVim branch to be used for the configuration. ''; }; neovimPackages = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; functionTo (listOf package); default = pkgs: with pkgs; [ neovim ]; defaultText = "pkgs: with pkgs; [ neovim ]"; example = lib.literalExpression '' pkgs: with pkgs; [ (wrapNeovim neovim-unwrapped { }) neovim-nightly neovide ] ''; description = '' A list of Neovim packages from different branches to be built against. Since this is to be used per-system, it should be a function that returns a list of packages where the given statement is the nixpkgs instance. ''; }; }; config = { modules = [ ../../../configs/nixvim/${config.configName} ]; }; }; in { options.setups.nixvim = { configs = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submoduleWith { specialArgs = { inherit (config) systems; }; modules = [ ./shared/config-options.nix configType ]; }); default = { }; description = '' A set of NixVim configurations to be integrated into the declarative setups configuration. Each of them will be available as part of `nixvimConfigurations`. ''; }; sharedModules = modulesOption // { description = '' A list of NixVim modules to be shared across all of the NixVim configurations. ''; }; standaloneConfigModules = modulesOption' "standalone configuration"; }; config = lib.mkIf (cfg.configs != { }) { setups.nixvim.sharedModules = [ nixvimModules # Import our private modules. ../../nixvim/_private ]; perSystem = { system, config, lib, ... }: ( let validConfigs = lib.filterAttrs (_: metadata: lib.elem system metadata.systems) cfg.configs; nixvimConfigurations = let generateNixvimConfigs = name: metadata: let iterateThruBranches = nixpkgsBranch: let pkgs = import inputs.${nixpkgsBranch} { inherit system; overlays = defaultOverlays ++ [ inputs.neovim-nightly-overlay.overlays.default ]; config.allowUnfree = true; }; # Unfortunately we cannot have NixVim with Neovim-reliant # packages such as Neovide or something similar. It has # to be Neovim. neovimPackages = metadata.neovimPackages pkgs; mkNixvimConfig' = neovimPkg: lib.nameValuePair "${name}-${nixpkgsBranch}-${neovimPkg.name}" (mkNixvimConfig { inherit system pkgs; inherit (metadata) nixvimBranch; modules = cfg.sharedModules ++ cfg.standaloneConfigModules ++ metadata.modules ++ [{ package = neovimPkg; }]; }); in builtins.map mkNixvimConfig' neovimPackages; nixvimConfigs = lib.lists.flatten (builtins.map iterateThruBranches metadata.nixpkgsBranches); in lib.listToAttrs nixvimConfigs; in lib.concatMapAttrs generateNixvimConfigs validConfigs; in { # We'll reuse these. inherit nixvimConfigurations; checks = lib.mapAttrs' (name: nvim: lib.nameValuePair "nixvim-check-${name}" (inputs.nixvim.lib.${system}.check.mkTestDerivationFromNvim { inherit nvim; name = "${name} configuration"; })) nixvimConfigurations; } ); }; }