# Visual Studio but for codes... # The code is really stolen from the NixOS wiki at https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Vscode. { config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let extensions = (with pkgs.vscode-extensions; [ bbenoist.Nix ms-python.python ms-azuretools.vscode-docker ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh ]) ++ pkgs.vscode-utils.extensionsFromVscodeMarketplace [ # Edit muh readable text documents that can convert into multiple formats. { name = "asciidoctor-vscode"; publisher = "asciidoctor"; version = "2.8.3"; sha256 = "1jh28qqa0qcycmj3h69dxg49l6zka5yb1vsdqyzc9cqnf8m6ps2a"; } # Make VS Code more practical with style! { name = "bracket-pair-colorizer-2"; publisher = "CoenraadS"; version = "0.2.0"; sha256 = "0nppgfbmw0d089rka9cqs3sbd5260dhhiipmjfga3nar9vp87slh"; } # Your favorite programming language for a game of barnyard darts. { name = "dart-code"; publisher = "Dart-Code"; version = "3.13.2"; sha256 = "05pyqijwkqby4q9izkddkrhlfd0jhdc1xqdf6342l1r7p8bwyqyr"; } { name = "vscode-eslint"; publisher = "dbaeumer"; version = "2.1.8"; sha256 = "18yw1c2yylwbvg5cfqfw8h1r2nk9vlixh0im2px8lr7lw0airl28"; } # RULES RULE, INCONSISTENCY DROOLS! { name = "EditorConfig"; publisher = "EditorConfig"; version = "0.15.1"; sha256 = "18r19dn1an81l2nw1h8iwh9x3sy71d4ab0s5fvng5y7dcg32zajd"; } # Flutter like a butter, dart like a bee. { name = "flutter"; publisher = "Dart-Code"; version = "3.13.2"; sha256 = "1jpb01a3fazwi89b2f59sm8sbzbfaawdxaais53dsay1wbg5hncz"; } # Git those lens with a magnifying glass, son. { name = "gitlens"; publisher = "eamodio"; version = "10.2.2"; sha256 = "00fp6pz9jqcr6j6zwr2wpvqazh1ssa48jnk1282gnj5k560vh8mb"; } # Muh consistent theming. { name = "nord-visual-studio-code"; publisher = "arcticicestudio"; version = "0.14.0"; sha256 = "0ni924bm62awk9p39cf297kximy6xldhjjjycswx4qg2w89b505x"; } # Will that make me pretty? { name = "prettier-vscode"; publisher = "esbenp"; version = "5.5.0"; sha256 = "0hw68s85w3aqaslzfcbsfskng8i0bvfnmbwk11ldrpdmafk693nc"; } # Edit the remote daemon in you. { name = "remote-ssh-edit"; publisher = "ms-vscode-remote"; version = "0.47.2"; sha256 = "1hp6gjh4xp2m1xlm1jsdzxw9d8frkiidhph6nvl24d0h8z34w49g"; } # Muh consistent icons. { name = "material-icon-theme"; publisher = "PKief"; version = "4.2.0"; sha256 = "1in8lj5gim3jdy33harib9z8qayp5jn8pz6j0zpicbzxx87g2hm1"; } ]; vscode-with-extensions = pkgs.vscode-with-extensions.override { vscodeExtensions = extensions; }; in { options.modules.editors.vscode = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; }; }; config = mkIf config.modules.editors.vscode.enable { my.packages = [ vscode-with-extensions ]; }; }