{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let certs = config.security.acme.certs; networks = import ../hardware/networks.nix; inherit (networks) publicIP publicIPv6 privateNetworkGatewayIP; vpnAddressPoolStart = ""; vpnAddressPoolEnd = ""; acmeName = "openvpn.foodogsquared.one"; in { # We need a bridge to access locally hosted services in the network of the # deployed server. services.openvpn.servers = { server = { config = let certDirectory = certs."${acmeName}".directory; dhParams = config.security.dhparams.params; in '' ca ${certDirectory}/chain.pem cert ${certDirectory}/fullchain.pem key ${certDirectory}/key.pem dh ${dhParams."openvpn-server".path} proto udp topology subnet server-bridge ${vpnAddressPoolStart} ${vpnAddressPoolEnd} server-ipv6 fd00::/8 dev vpn-tap dev-type tap # Connecting clients will be able to reach to one another. client-to-client user nobody group nobody ''; }; }; # We're generating our own certificates for OpenVPN. Most of the # configuration should be taken care of with the defaults from the host # config. security.acme.certs."${acmeName}" = { }; # For key generation, debugging, panic configuration, anything else. environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.openvpn ]; systemd.network = let vpnBridgeIFName = "vpn-bridge"; vpnTapIFName = "vpn-tap"; in { netdevs = { "90-${vpnBridgeIFName}".netdevConfig = { Name = vpnBridgeIFName; Kind = "bridge"; }; "90-${vpnTapIFName}" = { netdevConfig = { Name = vpnTapIFName; Kind = "tap"; }; tapConfig = { MultiQueue = true; PacketInfo = true; }; }; }; networks = { "50-vpn-bridge-slave-1" = { matchConfig.MACAddress = "86:00:00:32:48:20"; networkConfig.Bridge = vpnBridgeIFName; }; "50-vpn-bridge-slave-tap" = { matchConfig.Name = vpnTapIFName; networkConfig.Bridge = vpnBridgeIFName; }; "50-vpn-bridge-static" = { matchConfig.Name = vpnBridgeIFName; address = [ # The private network IP. "" # Generate a new unique local IPv6 address. "::" ]; gateway = [ privateNetworkGatewayIP ]; }; }; }; security.dhparams.params.openvpn-server = { }; }