{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let nixvimCfg = config.nixvimConfigs.fiesta; cfg = nixvimCfg.setups.treesitter; in { options.nixvimConfigs.fiesta.setups.treesitter.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "tree-sitter setup for Fiesta NixVim"; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { # The main star of the show. plugins.treesitter = { enable = true; # Install all of the grammars with Nix. We can easily replace it if we # want to. nixGrammars = true; nixvimInjections = true; # We'll just use the common languages out of the bat. grammarPackages = with config.plugins.treesitter.package.builtGrammars; [ bash c cpp css dockerfile go graphql html http javascript json json5 lua nix rust toml tsx typescript yaml ]; # Enable all of its useful features. folding = true; indent = true; incrementalSelection.enable = true; }; # Enable some more context for me. plugins.treesitter-context = { enable = true; lineNumbers = true; maxLines = 7; mode = "cursor"; separator = "*"; }; # Some niceties for refactoring. plugins.treesitter-refactor = { enable = true; highlightCurrentScope.enable = true; highlightDefinitions.enable = true; navigation.enable = true; smartRename.enable = true; }; # Show me your moves. plugins.treesitter-textobjects = { enable = true; lspInterop = { enable = true; border = "none"; peekDefinitionCode = let bindingPrefix = "<leader>d"; mkQueryMappings = query: binding: lib.nameValuePair "${bindingPrefix}${binding}" { desc = "Peek definition of ${query}"; query = "@${query}.outer"; }; in lib.mapAttrs' mkQueryMappings { "function" = "f"; "class" = "F"; }; }; move = lib.mkMerge ([{ enable = true; setJumps = true; }] ++ ( let motions = lib.cartesianProductOfSets { region = [ "Start" "End" ]; jumpDirection = [ "Previous" "Next" ]; variant = [ "outer" "inner" ]; }; motionMap = { outerPrevious = "["; outerNext = "]"; innerPrevious = "[["; innerNext = "]]"; }; actionDesc = variant: jumpDirection: query: if variant == "inner" then "Jump to inner part of the ${jumpDirection} ${query}" else "Jump to ${jumpDirection} ${query}"; mkQueryMappings = # The accumulator. Should be a list where it contains all of the # modules to be merged. acc: # The query object of the treesitter node. All queries are # assumed to be "@$QUERY.outer". query: # A set of bindings to be used for each jump direction. bindings: let mappings = builtins.map (motion: let inherit (motion) region jumpDirection variant; jumpDirection' = lib.strings.toLower jumpDirection; binding' = bindings.${jumpDirection'}; bindingPrefix = motionMap."${variant}${jumpDirection}"; in { "goto${jumpDirection}${region}" = { "${bindingPrefix}${binding'}" = { desc = actionDesc variant jumpDirection' query; query = "@${query}.${variant}"; }; }; }) motions; in acc ++ mappings; in lib.foldlAttrs mkQueryMappings [ ] { "function" = { previous = "M"; next = "m"; }; "block" = { previous = "B"; next = "b"; }; "call" = { previous = "F"; next = "f"; }; "class" = { previous = "C"; next = "c"; }; "conditional" = { previous = "D"; next = "d"; }; "statement" = { previous = "S"; next = "s"; }; "loop" = { previous = "L"; next = "l"; }; } )); select = { enable = true; lookahead = true; selectionModes = { "@function.outer" = "V"; "@class.outer" = "<c-v>"; "@block.outer" = "<c-v>"; }; keymaps = let prefixMap = { "outer" = { key = "a"; desc = query: "Select around the ${query} region"; }; "inner" = { key = "i"; desc = query: "Select inner part of the ${query} region"; }; }; # A function that creates a pair of keymaps: one for the outer and # inner part of the query. As such, it assumes the query has an # outer and inner variant. mkQueryMappings = # The textobject query, assumed as "@$QUERY.$VARIANT". query: # The keymap sequence to affix for the mapping pair. binding: let mappingsList = builtins.map (variant: let prefixMap' = prefixMap.${variant}; in lib.nameValuePair "${prefixMap'.key}${binding}" { query = "@${query}.${variant}"; desc = prefixMap'.desc query; }) [ "outer" "inner" ]; in lib.listToAttrs mappingsList; in lib.concatMapAttrs mkQueryMappings { "function" = "m"; "call" = "f"; "class" = "c"; "block" = "b"; "loop" = "l"; "statement" = "s"; "attribute" = "a"; }; }; swap = lib.mkMerge ( [{ enable = true; }] ++ ( let motions = lib.cartesianProductOfSets { jumpDirection = [ "Previous" "Next" ]; variant = [ "outer" ]; }; motionMap = { "outerPrevious" = "<leader>S"; "outerNext" = "<leader>s"; }; actionDesc = variant: jumpDirection: query: if variant == "inner" then "Jump to inner part of the ${jumpDirection} ${query}" else "Jump to ${jumpDirection} ${query}"; mkQueryMappings = acc: query: bindings: let mappings = builtins.map (motion: let inherit (motion) jumpDirection variant; jumpDirection' = lib.strings.toLower jumpDirection; binding' = bindings.${jumpDirection'}; bindingPrefix = motionMap."${variant}${jumpDirection}"; in { "swap${jumpDirection}" = { "${bindingPrefix}${binding'}" = { desc = actionDesc variant jumpDirection' query; query = "@${query}.${variant}"; }; }; }) motions; in acc ++ mappings; in lib.foldlAttrs mkQueryMappings [ ] { "function" = { next = "f"; previous = "F"; }; "parameter" = { next = "a"; previous = "A"; }; "conditional" = { next = "d"; previous = "D"; }; } ) ); }; }; }