{ config, lib, helpers, ... }: let nixvimCfg = config.nixvimConfigs.fiesta; cfg = nixvimCfg.setups.snippets; luasnipKeymapConfig = { mode = [ "i" "s" ]; }; in { options.nixvimConfigs.fiesta.setups.snippets.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "snippets setup"; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { # The main star of the show. plugins.luasnip.enable = true; plugins.luasnip.extraConfig = { keep_roots = true; link_roots = true; link_children = true; enable_autosnippets = false; }; # Set up this collection of snippets. plugins.friendly-snippets.enable = true; # Load all of the custom snippets. plugins.luasnip.fromLua = [ { lazyLoad = true; paths = ./snippets; } ]; # Set up the keymaps ourselves since LuaSnip doesn't provide one as a # config option. keymaps = [ (luasnipKeymapConfig // { key = "<C-j>"; options.desc = "Jump to next node"; action = helpers.mkRaw '' function() ls = require("luasnip") if ls.jumpable(1) then ls.jump(1) end end ''; }) (luasnipKeymapConfig // { key = "<C-k>"; options.desc = "Jump to previous node"; action = helpers.mkRaw '' function() ls = require("luasnip") if ls.jumpable(-1) then ls.jump(-1) end end ''; }) (luasnipKeymapConfig // { key = "<C-l>"; options.desc = "Expand or jump to next node"; action = helpers.mkRaw '' function() ls = require("luasnip") if ls.expand_or_jumpable() then ls.expand_or_jump() end end ''; }) (luasnipKeymapConfig // { key = "<C-u>"; options.desc = "Show extra choices"; action = helpers.mkRaw '' function() require("luasnip.extras.select_choice")() end ''; }) ]; }; }