{ config, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.state; supportedProtocols = [ "tcp" "udp" ]; portRangeType = { options = { from = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.port; description = '' The start of the range of TCP/UDP ports to be taken over. ''; }; to = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.port; description = '' The end of the range of TCP/UDP ports to be taken over. ''; }; }; }; portModule = { lib, ... }: { options = { protocols = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf (enum supportedProtocols); description = '' Indicates the type of protocol of the service. ''; default = [ "tcp" "udp" ]; example = [ "tcp" ]; }; value = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; either port (submodule portRangeType); description = '' The port number itself. ''; }; openFirewall = lib.mkEnableOption "opening the ports to firewall"; }; }; in { options.state = let portsModule = { lib, ... }: { options = { ports = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule portModule); description = '' A set of ports indicating what goes where in the NixOS system. ''; default = { }; example = lib.literalExpression '' rec { gonic = { value = 5757; protocols = [ "tcp" ]; openFirewall = true; }; uxplay = { value = 7864; openFirewall = true; }; uxplayClients.value = { from = uxplay.value + 1; to = uxplay.value + 20; }; } ''; }; }; }; in lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.submodule portsModule; }; config = lib.mkIf (cfg.ports != { }) { networking.firewall = let allPortsToBeOpened = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v.openFirewall) cfg.ports; hasProtocol = protocol: v: lib.elem protocol v.protocols; mkFirewallEntry = protocol: v: let inherit (v) value; in if lib.isAttrs value then { ${ if protocol == "tcp" then "allowedTCPPortRanges" else "allowedUDPPortRanges" } = [ value ]; } else { ${ if protocol == "tcp" then "allowedTCPPorts" else "allowedUDPPorts" } = [ value ]; }; mkFirewallEntryModule = _: v: lib.optionalAttrs (hasProtocol "udp" v) (mkFirewallEntry "udp" v) // lib.optionalAttrs (hasProtocol "tcp" v) (mkFirewallEntry "tcp" v); in lib.mkMerge (lib.mapAttrsToList mkFirewallEntryModule allPortsToBeOpened); }; }