USER := foo-dogsquared HOST := zilch HOME := /home/$(USER) DOTS := /etc/dotfiles NIXOS_VERSION := 20.03 NIXOS_PREFIX := $(PREFIX)/etc/nixos FLAGS := -I "config=$$(pwd)/config" \ -I "modules=$$(pwd)/modules" \ -I "bin=$$(pwd)/bin" \ $(FLAGS) config: $(NIXOS_PREFIX)/configuration.nix home: $(HOME)/dotfiles # The channels will be used on certain modules like in `packages/default.nix` where it will be referred to install certain packages from the unstable channel. channels: @sudo nix-channel --add "${NIXOS_VERSION}" nixos @sudo nix-channel --add "" nixos-unstable @sudo nix-channel --add "${NIXOS_VERSION}.tar.gz" home-manager @sudo nix-channel --add "" nixpkgs-unstable update: @sudo nix-channel --update switch: @sudo nixos-rebuild $(FLAGS) switch install: channels update @sudo nixos-generate-config --root "$(PREFIX)" && sudo cp --update "$(NIXOS_PREFIX)/hardware-configuration.nix" "$$(pwd)/hosts/$(HOST)/hardware-configuration.nix" @echo "import \"$(DOTS)\" \"$(HOST)\" \"$${USER}\"" | sudo tee "${NIXOS_PREFIX}/configuration.nix" @sudo nixos-install --root "$(PREFIX)" $(FLAGS) @sudo rm -r "$(PREFIX)/etc/dotfiles" && sudo cp -r "$(DOTS)" "$(PREFIX)/etc/dotfiles" @sudo nixos-enter --root "$(PREFIX)" -c chown $(USER):users $(DOTS) upgrade: update switch rollback: @sudo nix-env --rollback