{ pkgs, lib, self }: lib.runTests { testMathPowPositive = { expr = self.math.pow 2 8; expected = 256; }; testMathPowNegative = { expr = self.math.pow 2.0 (-1); expected = 0.5; }; testMathPowZero = { expr = self.math.pow 31 0; expected = 1; }; testsMathPowWithFloat = { expr = self.math.pow 2 7.0; expected = 128.0; }; testMathAbsoluteValue = { expr = self.math.abs 5493; expected = 5493; }; testMathAbsoluteValue2 = { expr = self.math.abs (-435354); expected = 435354; }; testMathPercentage = { expr = self.math.percentage 50 100; expected = 50; }; testMathPercentage2 = { expr = self.math.percentage 13 453; expected = 58.89; }; testMathPercentageNegative = { expr = self.math.percentage (-20) 500; expected = -100; }; testMathPercentageNegative2 = { expr = self.math.percentage (-64) 843; expected = -539.52; }; testMathPercentageZero = { expr = self.math.percentage 0 45723; expected = 0; }; testMathPercentageZero2 = { expr = self.math.percentage 0 (-3423); expected = 0; }; testMathGrow = { expr = self.math.grow 500 12; expected = 72; }; testMathGrow2 = { expr = self.math.grow 55.5 5.5; expected = 8.5525; }; testMathGrowVariantMax = { expr = self.math.grow' 0 255 130 100; expected = 255; }; testMathGrowVariantMin = { expr = self.math.grow' 0 255 130 (-500); expected = 0; }; testMathFloor = { expr = self.math.floor 3.467; expected = 3; }; testMathFloor2 = { expr = self.math.floor 3.796; expected = 3; }; testMathCeil = { expr = self.math.ceil 3.469; expected = 4; }; testMathCeil2 = { expr = self.math.ceil 3.796; expected = 4; }; testMathRoundDown = { expr = self.math.round 2.3; expected = 2; }; testMathRoundUp = { expr = self.math.round 2.8; expected = 3; }; testMathRoundOnes = { expr = self.math.round' 0 5.65; expected = 6; }; testMathRoundTens = { expr = self.math.round' 1 5.65; expected = 10; }; testMathRoundHundreds = { expr = self.math.round' 2 5.65; expected = 0; }; testMathRoundTenth = { expr = self.math.round' (-1) 5.65; expected = 5.7; }; testMathRoundHundredth = { expr = self.math.round' (-2) 5.655; expected = 5.66; }; testMathWithinRange = { expr = self.math.isWithinRange (-100) 100 50; expected = true; }; testMathWithinRange2 = { expr = self.math.isWithinRange 5 10 (-5); expected = false; }; testMathFactorial = { expr = self.math.factorial 3; expected = 6; }; testMathFactorial2 = { expr = self.math.factorial 10; expected = 3628800; }; testMathFactorialZero = { expr = self.math.factorial 0; expected = 1; }; testMathSummate = { expr = self.math.summate [ 1 2 3 4 ]; expected = 10; }; testMathSummate2 = { expr = self.math.summate [ 1 2 3 4.5 5.6 6.7 ]; expected = 22.8; }; testMathProduct = { expr = self.math.product [ 1 2 3 4 ]; expected = 24; }; testMathProduct2 = { expr = self.math.product [ 1.5 2 3 4.6 ]; expected = 41.4; }; # All of the answers here should be sourced from another tool such as a # calculator. testMathSqrt = { expr = self.math.sqrt 4; expected = 2; }; testMathSqrt2 = { expr = self.math.sqrt 169; expected = 13; }; testMathSqrt3 = { expr = self.math.round' (-9) (self.math.sqrt 12); expected = 3.464101615; }; testMathSqrt4 = { expr = self.math.round' (-10) (self.math.sqrt 2); expected = 1.4142135624; }; }