{ pkgs, lib, self }:

# TODO: Remove the legacy scheme support once it is entirely removed in Tinted
# Theming standard.
  isBaseX = i: palette:
      paletteNames = lib.attrNames palette;
      maxDigitLength = lib.lists.length (lib.toBaseDigits 10 i);
      mkBaseAttr = hex: "base${self.hex.pad maxDigitLength hex}";
      schemeNames = builtins.map mkBaseAttr (self.hex.range 0 (i - 1));
    in (lib.count (name: lib.elem name schemeNames) paletteNames) == i;
in rec {
  /* Imports a Base16 scheme. This also handles converting the legacy Base16
     schema into the new one if it's detected. Take note, every single token
     that is not part of the legacy proper is assumed to be part of the
     `palette` of the new schema.

     This is the main entrypoint of the Bahaghari library Tinted Theming
     subset. It is expected that most users will use this.

     Type: importScheme :: Path -> Attrs

       importScheme ./legacy-base16-scheme.yml
       => {
         system = "base16";
         name = "Scheme name";
         author = "Scheme author";
         palette = {
           # All legacy token that are not included in the old standard proper
           # are placed here. This is typically something like `background`,
           # `foreground`, and whatnot that are added for enriching the palette
           # or just for semantics for the theme designers.
  importScheme = yamlpath:
    let scheme = self.importYAML yamlpath;
    in assert lib.assertMsg (isValidScheme scheme || isLegacyScheme scheme)
      "bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme: Given data is not a valid Tinted Theming scheme";
    if isLegacyScheme scheme then modernizeLegacyScheme scheme else scheme;

  # TODO: Return a Nix object to generate a Tinted Theming color scheme from an
  # image.
  generateScheme = image: { };

  /* A very naive implementation of checking whether the given palette is a
     valid Base16 scheme. It simply checks if palette has `base00` to `base0F`
     is present as well as other required keys.

     Type: isBase16 :: Attrs -> Bool

       isBase16 (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./base16.yml).palette
       => true

       isBase16 (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./base16-scheme-with-missing-base0F.yml).palette
       => false
  isBase16 = isBaseX 16;

  /* Similar to `isBase16` but for Base24 schemes. It considers the scheme as
     valid if `base00` to `base17` from the palette are present.

     Type: isBase24 :: Attrs -> Bool

       isBase24 (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./base24.yml).palette
       => true

       isBase24 (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./base24-scheme-with-missing-base0F.yml).palette
       => false
  isBase24 = isBaseX 24;

  /* Given a scheme, checks if it's a valid Tinted Theming scheme format (e.g.,
     Base16, Base24). Take note it doesn't accept deprecated scheme formats.

     Type: isValidScheme :: Attrs -> Bool

       isValidScheme (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./base24.yml)
       => true

       isValidScheme (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./base16.yml)
       => true
  isValidScheme = scheme: scheme ? palette && scheme ? author && scheme ? name;

  /* Checks if the given scheme is in the deprecated Base16 legacy schema.

     Type: isLegacyBase16 :: Attrs -> Bool

       isLegacyBase16 (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./legacy-base16-scheme.yml)
       => true

       isLegacyBase16 (bahaghariLib.tinted-theming.importScheme ./modern-base16-scheme.yml)
       => false
  isLegacyScheme = scheme: scheme ? scheme && scheme ? author;

  /* Given a legacy BaseX scheme, update the scheme into the current iteration
     of the Tinted Theming scheme format.

     Type: modernizeLegacyBaseScheme :: Attrs -> Attrs

       modernizeLegacyScheme (importYAML ./legacy-base16-scheme.yml)
       => {
         system = "base16";
         name = "Yo mama";
         author = "You";
         palette = {
           # All of the top-level keys except for author, description, and scheme.
  modernizeLegacyScheme = scheme:
      system = if isBase24 scheme then
      else if isBase16 scheme then

      palette =
        lib.attrsets.removeAttrs scheme [ "author" "description" "scheme" ];
    in {
      inherit (scheme) author;
      inherit palette;

      name = scheme.scheme;
    } // lib.optionalAttrs (scheme ? description) {
      inherit (scheme) description;
    } // lib.optionalAttrs (system != null) { inherit system; };